#RainDogs reminded me of Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe. Ancient connection, sorry. #Review #TV #BBC
#RainDogs stars Daisy May Cooper in an intense story about making it in a messy world. #Review #TV #BBC https://oldaintdead.com/rain-dogs-when-love-alone-isnt-enough/
#Review #RainDogs from the BBC tells a tale of hardship, privilege and toxic love. Brilliant acting and difficult situations. #TV
not an easy watch, but it sticks to your brain...so i recommend giving 'rain dogs' a flutter. it's on iplayer. soundtrack's an important element & the inclusion of baxter dury's 'prince of tears' had me on the brink of a good old cry.
#rainDogs #bbc #daisyMayCooper #telly #music #baxterDury
#baxterdury #Music #telly #daisymaycooper #BBC #RainDogs
TV TONIGHT (April 24)
#PerryMason #RainDogs #MeanGirlMurders #LuxeForLess #MostExpensivest #AmericanIdol #TheVoice #911onFOX #AllAmerican #YouMeAndMyEx #WWERaw #BasketballWives #SpringBakingChampionship #SummerHouse #NBA #NHL #ATLHomicide #StreetOutlaws
#streetoutlaws #atlhomicide #nhl #nba #SummerHouse #springbakingchampionship #basketballwives #WWERaw #YouMeAndMyEx #allamerican #911onfox #thevoice #americanidol #mostexpensivest #luxeforless #meangirlmurders #RainDogs #PerryMason
TV TONIGHT (March 27)
#TheBachelor #AllAmericanHomecoming #TheWatchfulEye #ExtremeSisters #AmericanDad #YR50 #HistorysGreatestOfAllTime #NCAATournament #StreetOutlaws #WWERaw #TheVoice #iHeartRadioMusicAwards #BasketballWives #RainDogs #RockTheBlock
#rocktheblock #RainDogs #basketballwives #iheartradiomusicawards #thevoice #WWERaw #streetoutlaws #NCAATournament #historysgreatestofalltime #yr50 #americandad #extremesisters #thewatchfuleye #allamericanhomecoming #thebachelor
TV TONIGHT (March 6)
#HistoryOfTheWorldPart2 #TheVoice #911onFOX #PerryMason #RainDogs #RockTheBlock #RidleyJones #Payback #SpringBakingChampionship #BasketballWives #StreetOutlaws #ExtremeSisters #TheGoodDoctor #SummerHouse #TheWatchfulEye
#thewatchfuleye #SummerHouse #TheGoodDoctor #extremesisters #streetoutlaws #basketballwives #springbakingchampionship #PayBack #ridleyjones #rocktheblock #RainDogs #PerryMason #911onfox #thevoice #historyoftheworldpart2
I really liked HBO's #RainDogs, a British dramedy starring Daisy May Cooper as a single mom trying her best, and often failing. My review: https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-reviews/rain-dogs-review-hbo-most-surprising-show-cash-carraway-daisy-may-cooper-1234683530/
HBO Reveals Premiere Date for New Comedy "Rain Dogs" Starring Daisy May Cooper
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2023/01/rain-dogs-premiere-date.html #RainDogs #HBO #BBCOne