Female Rainbow Bee-eater at UQ down by the Brisbane River today around lunchtime.
#RainbowBeeEater #AustralianWildlife #nature #bird
We visited a park well known for having nesting Rainbow Bee-Eaters this afternoon and were not disappointed :)
Only one pair today, but that was enough to get some pretty photos of them.
The male is the one with the longer tail plumes.
#RainbowBeeEater #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird
Rainbow Bee-eaters, a Sacred Kingfisher, and a White-breasted Woodswallow.
#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #RainbowBeeeater #SacredKingfisher #WhiteBreastedWoodswallow
#WhiteBreastedWoodswallow #SacredKingfisher #RainbowBeeEater #AustralianWildlife #nature #photo #bird
Sorry / Not Sorry, I couldn't resist posting another Rainbow Bee-Eater shot.
They really are very pretty.
#AustralianWildlife #RainbowBeeEater #bird #nature #photo
On the way home, on the recommendation from Dr Nick, I stopped off at Sir John Chandler Park to photograph Rainbow Bee-eaters, and I'm very glad I did.
#AustralianWildlife #RainbowBeeEater #bird #photo #nature @birds
#nature #photo #bird #RainbowBeeEater #AustralianWildlife