Saranno contente #UnileverItalia (#cornettoalgida), #Nestlè (#Kitkat, #Nesquik) e #rittersport (#cioccolato #Rittersport) di sapere che secondo il #complottismo i loro prodotti contengono #atrazina e diserbanti messi lì da #BillGates
#unileveritalia #cornettoalgida #nestle #kitkat #nesquik #rittersport #cioccolato #complottismo #atrazina #billgates #RainforestAlliance
Il mondo del #complottismo se la prende con #rainforestalliance accusandola di #satanismo, #insetti e #vaccino #mRNA , con la furia iconoclasta dei #noclima, dei #novax e dei #notutto
#complottismo #RainforestAlliance #satanismo #insetti #vaccino #mrna #noclima #novax #notutto #ambiente
Top tea firms investigate as plantation workers say they have to pick 18kg a day but still skip meals and make their children work. Some of the world’s leading tea manufacturers, including Tetley and Lipton, are examining working conditions on the plantations of its Sri Lankan suppliers, following a Guardian investigation.
Two global trade-certification schemes, Fairtrade and the Rainforest Alliance, are also conducting inquiries after it was revealed that some workers on 10 certified estates could not afford to eat and were living in squalid conditions.
#labour #tea #fairtrade #RainforestAlliance #lipton #tetley
I'm annoyed. And I'm going to tell some #Environmental Advocacy Orgs about it. I've been searching for them on here and have found so few as to be embarrassing.
Oh, sure, plenty .bot over from that crap billionaire owned platform. But the Env.Orgs. haven't figured out yet that they're tweeting into a 180k subscriber echo chamber.
First, the kudos for getting on the #MastodonTrail go to:
@earthfirst @grist @CLE_Allard
@greenpeace @Wwf
But #ShameOn:
@audubonsociety @surfridereurope
Come on gang. Do better.
If you support an environmental advocacy organization, please let them know we're here, and we care.
#environmental #mastodontrail #shameon #allianceforthewildrockies #ConservationInternational #RainforestAlliance #globalfootprintnetwork #nationalwildlifefoundation #thewildernesssociety #earthinstitute #TrustforPublicLand #waterkeeperalliance #americanhikingsociety #southernutahwildernessalliance
In gids @Consumentenbond van februari 2023 een artikel over 'zuivere koffie'. Overgrote deel van filterkoffie uit de supermarkt [vaak het eigen merk] heeft een topkeurmerk: #RainforestAlliance en/of #Fairtrade. Beide zetten hoog in op sociale kant van koffieproductie; qua milieu is het eerste (nog) beter dan het tweede.
Maar bijna alle filterkoffie van #DouweEgberts heeft geen topkeurmerk. Vast last van #marktarrogantie Niet (meer) kopen dus.
#douweegberts #fairtrade #RainforestAlliance #marktarrogantie
So worth watching “Follow The Frog” #RainforestAlliance #sustainability #environmental
#RainforestAlliance #sustainability #environmental
If you live in Australia, and you're buying chocolate for Christmas, you might wanna check out Haigh's chocolates online because:
a) their chocolate is very tasty;
b) their chocolate uses Rainforest Alliance certified cocoa;
c) they donate money to help the native Australian Bilby, a cute little marsupial animal on the verge of extinction;
d) a lot of their products are clearly labelled as glutenfree and eggfree;
I don't have any association with Haigh's except buying their chocolate and nobody gave me anything to make this post.
#chocolate #RainforestAlliance #bilby #glutenfree #eggfree
📣 Cool green #job alert! 🌍
Our friends over at #RainforestAlliance are #hiring a Product Manager for their LandScale platform. Basically you'd build a tool that would help landscapes track indicators for a greener, more just society.
And you'd work with me!
#job #RainforestAlliance #hiring #ict4good #green #environment #climate #jobs #data
Calling out #RainforestAlliance for having a pro- #environment stated purpose, yet they use #CloudFlare for their website. #hypocrisy
#hypocrisy #cloudflare #environment #RainforestAlliance
i'll just drop this here for the chocolate inclined. appears to be 2018 data.
#ChildLabor #FairTrade #utz #sustainability #DirectTrade #RainforestAlliance #imoFairForLife
#childlabor #utz #imoFairForLife #fairtrade #sustainability #DirectTrade #RainforestAlliance