Someone put up a great overview of "WTF is going on with R7RS Large" (defining the 2nd half of #Scheme 's current version).
tl;dr: a decade of "yes but whatabout the thing i care about"
#Raku took ages to be defined too, but instead of just fuck-all getting done it was slow†, iterative discussion, with visible releases of the "apocalypses" that built towards a goal.
I never got that feeling from R7RS Large.
† sometimes painfully slow
I've just created my 1000th timer with Hey! (my little #raku CLI time-tracking app)
I'm kinda proud of this thing and happy it's been working so well. Lots i want to improve, but most of my spare programming time's been going into #DevGood lately.
But... yeah. felt like a little milestone that i should recognize. I built a thing. It works. It continues to be useful. Yaaay 🎉
encountered a transient (non-reproducable) #raku error
> MoarVM oops in spesh thread: P6opaque: slot offset not found
"oops in spesh thread"
I'd hate it without the clarifying details. WITH the clarifying details i love it.
Hooray for injecting personality into your code.
Watching the intro video for the #Mojo language for programming machine learning stuff. It's a superset of #Python and it adds some cool things, but some of those cool thing already existed in #Raku and I can't help but wonder how much cooler it would have been if they started with a language that was already doing the important aspects of what they needed.
I wasn't sure if how many hours I'd worked this week. So, I made a quick tweak to the latest beta branch of Hey ( beta_10 ). Now it will specify the number of hours if the summarized time is > 1hr.
Not thrilled with the formatting. Maybe I should add a 3rd column for hours? Unsure. Open to suggestions.
Side note: the ability to run custom reports written in any language has been stubbed out in that branch. I'll need that come the end of the month. ;)
just got my first
SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)
🤔 i have no clue how. Excuting a #Raku thing in #FishShell
I think it was just a weird timing error and probably generated by Fish, but i'm curious how i actually managed it.
In case there are any #raku geeks using Hey (my time tracking tool). I'm starting a new contract and am going to need to do invoicing. I'd love to hear any input you might have on the topic before I start coding.
High level thinky ticket here:
related: just merged beta_9 into main... will cut a release soon, mostly just waiting for feedback on a PR.
Current code is reimplementation of some code i've written in #ChickenScheme, #Racket, & #Raku
This time it's in #Ruby & #Rails
I am getting so much done, so much faster, in so much less code simply because of the incredible ecosystem of tools. Having a good ORM means no piles-o-raw sql and different sql to create, update, delete etc. The Octokit github library means trivially sucking down the data I need.
Both happy and frustrated at how easy this is. Wishing #raku had more libraries.
#chickenscheme #racket #Raku #ruby #rails
how i got there:
> I would still very much prefer a good means to handle #Raku dists
that implies distributions of raku which implies versions of raku. ;)
you did say "through existing distro package managers" but having the package manager manage distributions too is ... an odd proposition and I assumed you were conflating terms.
#RakuLang geeks
Does anyone know of a tool that can do syntax highlighting of #Markdown files in the terminal, but is written in #Raku ?
(although bat highlights other things too... you should totally replace your cat usage with bat)
I don't really have time to port one of those at the moment.
Dear #RakuLang folks, by virtue of your presence here, I suspect you might be having thoughts about using #Raku to interact with the Fediverse.
I'm here to tell you that CamelPub (an old #ActivityPub library) is NOT the path forward.
However I have created an archive of it on #GitHub so that one of you might use it as a jumping off point for future code.
With that said, let me tell you the tale of woe, that was attempting to install CamelPub...
🧵 1/?
#rakulang #Raku #activitypub #github
re... how because can't be called the same way.
I don't know. I'm too new to #Raku. Do you know? PRs Happily welcomed if you do. ;)
Adding your questions & my answers (slightly tweaked) to the docs now.
thank you for the feedback.
TIL you can continue commands on subsequent lines in #rakulang without using a backslash at the end of the line.
#raku has a lot of awesome stuff... but there's so much that learning it is.... hampered by the docs that throw a wall of seemingly random and sometimes context-free text at you.
there's a perl_docset script that'll convert pod files to one, but i spent like 15 minutes trying to convince it to do so with #raku's pod6 files but just got a random error for my trouble.
My todo list has too many high priority things on it to futz with this enough to make it work.
and yeah, I know $50 is nothing, but again, unemployed. ;)
Just bumped the version on Listicles
I've added a .flatten method to Array that does a deep flatten.
Side note: I thought “should be easy”. I looked up how Ruby did it, and it was this elegant little thing.
It took me HOURS to deconstruct, learn how unpack actually works (mostly), and then poke #Raku with a stick until I found the right stuff to feed into Blob to get unpack to produce the same results.
Also, had to wade through multiple incorrect regular expressions people provided in various languages to verify them.
i've come to the conclusion that i need to be able to talk to the Jira API (ugh). I wanted to do it in #rakulang but it turns out no-ones gotten around to writing an API wrapper for #Raku yet.
There is one for Perl 5, but i was like "ugghh. I don't wanna have to port an entire library.... Oh. hey, it's < 600 lines of code!
So, i guess I guess yet another project has jumped my "todo" queue.
"Most people have no idea what I can do with Raku. It's like a secret weapon." - Anton Antonov