🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ChoralEvensong
William Byrd, Richard Gowers, Rodolfus Choir & Ralph Allwood:
🎵 Emendemus in Melius
#nowplaying #choralevensong #WilliamByrd #RichardGowers #RodolfusChoir #RalphAllwood
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ChoralEvensong
Hubert Parry, Richard Gowers, Rodolfus Choir & Ralph Allwood:
🎵 The Great Service (Magnificat)
#nowplaying #choralevensong #HubertParry #RichardGowers #RodolfusChoir #RalphAllwood
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ChoralEvensong
Reginald Atkins, Thomas Attwood Walmisley, Sir Ivor Atkins, Richard Gowers, Rodolfus Choir & Ralph Allwood:
🎵 Psalms 36, 39
#ReginaldAtkins #ThomasAttwoodWalmisley #SirIvorAtkins #RichardGowers #RodolfusChoir #RalphAllwood
#nowplaying #choralevensong #reginaldatkins #thomasattwoodwalmisley #sirivoratkins #RichardGowers #RodolfusChoir #RalphAllwood
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ChoralEvensong
William Byrd, Richard Gowers, Rodolfus Choir & Ralph Allwood:
🎵 Emendemus in Melius
#nowplaying #choralevensong #WilliamByrd #RichardGowers #RodolfusChoir #RalphAllwood
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ChoralEvensong
Hubert Parry, Richard Gowers, Rodolfus Choir & Ralph Allwood:
🎵 The Great Service (Magnificat)
#nowplaying #choralevensong #HubertParry #RichardGowers #RodolfusChoir #RalphAllwood
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Thomas Tallis, Rodolfus Choir & Ralph Allwood:
🎵 Suscipe quaeso Domine
#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #thomastallis #RodolfusChoir #RalphAllwood
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ComposerOfTheWeek #COTW
Thomas Tallis, Rodolfus Choir & Ralph Allwood:
🎵 Magnificat (Dorian)
#nowplaying #ComposerOfTheWeek #cotw #thomastallis #RodolfusChoir #RalphAllwood
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Pierre Villette, Rodolfus Choir & Ralph Allwood:
🎵 O magnum mysterium
#PierreVillette #RodolfusChoir #RalphAllwood
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#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #PierreVillette #RodolfusChoir #RalphAllwood #BBC3MusicBot