A special day in Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine. Meeting very impressive bright and dynamic youth and SMEs and visiting Rawabi city gives hope for a better future! Thanks for warm welcome! #Ramallah #Rawabi #Westbank #Palestine
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AnnaMariaCB/status/1636623250020081666
#Ramallah #Rawabi #westbank #Palestine
RT @EESC_REX: 📌@EESC_President & @EESC_REX delegation #Ramallah today meeting Khalid Al-Esseily, Palestinian Minister for National Economy, & @MajdalaniAhmad, Palestinian Minister for Social Development & President of the ESC of #Palestine
🇪🇺and Neighbourhood South ESCs at work
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1623312777266724864
#Ramallah #Palestine #civilsociety
RT @EESC_REX: 📌@EESC_President & @EESC_REX delegation meeting today with H.E. Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff, EU Representative #WestBank & #Gaza Strip, #UNRWA starting a 3-day visit to #Jerusalem, #Ramallah and #TelAviv
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUpalestinians/status/1623010765446819857
#westbank #Gaza #unrwa #jerusalem #Ramallah #TelAviv #civilsociety
🇮🇱🇵🇸 As the entirety of Palestine explodes in resistance to colonial violence, the following developments are ongoing:
- Palestinians confront Jewish-supremacist police in neighborhoods across occupied AlQuds with firecrackers, Molotov cocktails and more.
- Zionist forces completely besiege and storm Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, Areeha. Resistance is responding with gunfire.
- Occupation forces are attempting to carry out rounds of arrests at all points of confrontation. A child has been arrested during a Palestinian demonstration near #Ramallah.
- Settlers in Qusra, south of #Nablus, are lighting Palestinian cars on fire and damaging homes. Mosques call for Palestinian mobilization to defend against ongoing settler aggression.
- Colonial checkpoints in the northern West Bank are coming under constant resistance gunfire.
RT @heikeharmgart: What a great day in #Ramallah - all about Partnerships: signing agreements to support Palestinian #SMEs and discussing challenges and opportunities for the Palestinian economy at the very first European Union - Palestine Business forum.@ebrd @EU_Commission
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUpalestinians/status/1601170065722048512
Mabrouk @Shadi_Tarazi@twitter.com! 👍👏✊
RT @Shadi_Tarazi@twitter.com
Its was amazing new cultural experience today in #ramallah #Palestine #TEDx #wedeserve . Despite the fact that the slides get stopped in the middle 🤣, It was overall wonderful, thanks Wajdy Hussain Rateb H Rabi for invitation. Thanks to my family and friends for the support 😍.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Shadi_Tarazi/status/1599136977185832960
#wedeserve #tedx #Palestine #Ramallah
UN body OCHoPT reports demolitions today and yesterday in Qibya #Ramallah, and Kafr ad Dik, #Salfit, #WestBank, occupied #Palestinian territory
#palestinian #westbank #salfit #Ramallah
UN body OCHoPT reports demolitions today and yesterday in Qibya #Ramallah, and Kafr ad Dik, #Salfit, #WestBank, occupied #Palestinian territory
#palestinian #westbank #salfit #Ramallah
Gute Nachricht, Beziehung zu #Israel hat keinen Schaden genommen. Fokus sollte auf Verursacher der Probleme liegen: #Abbas und seine #PA. Der deutsche Vertreter in #Ramallah sollte jetzt vom @AuswaertigesAmt zu Beratungen nach Berlin gerufen werden, um Reaktion auszuarbeiten.
RT @yairlapid: I just spoke with @OlafScholz, who condemned Mahmoud Abbas’s outrageous remarks. I thanked him for this condemnation as Israel’s Prime Minister …
RT @Nickduffdavies: Mourning the death of Shareen Abu Akleh alongside our sisters and brothers in Ramallah. May she rest in peace and rise in glory. #Shereen_Abu_Aqleh #Ramallah
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AnaMartinsGomes/status/1525567355744567298
RT @AbuAliEnglishB1: #Ramallah, #West_Bank
On the day that journalist Shireen Abu Akleh died, #Hamas military operative Ta'er al-Iazuri was also killed, but in clashes with the #IDF in Ramallah.
He didn't receive almost any media attention back then because of Shireen Abu Akleh, but... (1/2)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/hermanntertsch/status/1525511440601325568
#Ramallah #West_Bank #Hamas #idf
Mein Entsetzen hält an. Eine Demonstration wegen der ungeklärten Todesumstände eines PA-kritischen Journalisten wird von der Polizei und #Fatah-Aktivisten angegriffen.
Erinnert an Belarus. Demokratiefern.
#Ramallah #Westbank #Palästina
RT @MariamBarghouti
This is Palestinian police and Fatah loyalists charging at Palestinian protestors in #Ramallah for demanding accountability for the assassination of Nizar Banat. A horrifying …
#fatah #Ramallah #westbank #palästina