Watching First Blood after decades, I was now able to truly appreciate Rambo's situation. Easily the best movie of the 4 and a must watch IMO.
I like that the movie is tightly edited, well paced, cinematography and colors are beautiful, primary cast is just 3 great actors and the action is limited and believable (not a superhero). Unnecessary brutality of local police and PTSD of a Vietnam war veteran keeps the plot real and grounded. 👌
Si vergogni, Jason Statham!
Duro e spietato, talvolta ironico, Jason Statham è uno degli eredi di Rambo. Ma anche lui ha qualcosa da farsi perdonare. Ecco le prove.
#boomerissimo #JasonStatham #therock #Rambo #theexpendables
Rocky e l'elisir di lunga vita.
Se dopo oltre quarant'anni siamo ancora qui a parlare di Rocky vorrà ben dire qualcosa.
#boomerissimo #stallone #slystallone #Rocky #Rambo
#boomerissimo #Stallone #slystallone #rocky #Rambo
Ho visto #sisu, un #film DIVERTENTISSIMO. Praticamente una eccezionale #parodia #splatter di #rambo + #bastardisenzagloria in salsa finnica.
Il protagonista #JormaTommila è #mitologico, e ho letto che è stato anche uno sceneggiatore.
Da non perdere!
#sisu #film #parodia #splatter #Rambo #bastardiSenzaGloria #jormatommila #mitologico #jalmarihelander #finnish #mastofilm #mastomovie
Stopped in #HopeBC for lunch at #BlueMooseCafe. Of course, I took my obligatory photos of the #Rambo statues! (#FirstBlood was filmed in Hope.)
#HopeBC #bluemoosecafe #Rambo #firstblood
@EevaXTiina @DarthPutinKGB #Finland, an entire country of people who just want to be left alone, like John #Rambo in #FirstBlood.
Judging to his equipment this orc don't look like chmobik.
For sure he was from some elite unit (GRU SOF, VDV).
And this is his magazine.
#Ukraine #Rambo
Original tweet :
Sylvester Stallone from a scene in Rambo Last Blood. Acrylic painting on 5x7inch canvas board
#art #acrylicpainting #sylvesterstallone #Rambo #rambolastblood #ScottishArtist #painting #mastoart
Vaul Boy, Batman, Duke Nukem ja Rambo.
Etsikää se mikä ei kuulu joukkoon.
Ja se ole tuo Kindermunan violetti vihainen minimustekala.
#Octopussy #kinder #Rambo #dukenukem #batman #fallout
La pattumiera: Cobra Mission 2
#film #Rambo #filmbrutti #guerra
How did it get its name? Hope, B.C.!
As can be expected, the name of the community comes from a hope being fulfilled for a surveyor charged with finding a pass. The community is also pretty famous as the filming location of First Blood.
#BritishColumbia #HopeBC #Histodon #Histodons #TikTok #History #Canada #Canadian #CanadaHistory #Rambo
#britishcolumbia #HopeBC #histodon #histodons #tiktok #history #canada #canadian #canadahistory #Rambo
I have a few top shelves around the home and office, but here are a couple from my house for the #MyTopShelf hashtag.
Yes, those are a bunch of signed Martin Kove publicity stills from #KarateKid and #Rambo. I won them in a charity silent auction at the Grammies, beating out Jason Mraz for the top bid.
#Macron #Rambo #Neuilly prêt pour affronter #KohLanta 😅
RT @CNEWS: Présidentielle 2022 : Emmanuel Macron en visite surprise au marché de Neuilly-sur-Seine
#Macron #Rambo #Neuilly #KohLanta