> 18項では、#rapidification《英》という #造語 が使われています。私たちは目に見える形でも、心の中でも、様々なものから急かされて生活しています。新幹線やリニアが出来てどんどん速くなるのは、いい面がある一方で、時間に追い立てられているようにも感じます。急ぐあまり、#人間性 が縮小させられてしまうのです。
#ラウダトシ #教皇フランシスコ
#faster #教皇フランシスコ #ラウダトシ #人間性 #造語 #Rapidification
> "Men and women cannot live every moment of their lives at the rational and disciplined level required in modem industrial societies..."
#Faster #Rapidification #DoraRussel #BertrandRussel
on #IndustrialCivilization in 1923 and 1957, way before Gleik in 1999 and Carr in the 2000's and the Pope in 2015.. Over a hundred years of inappropriate pacing...
#industrialcivilization #bertrandrussel #DoraRussel #Rapidification #faster
> 18. The continued acceleration of changes affecting humanity and the planet is coupled today with a more intensified pace of life and work which might be called “#rapidification”. .the speed with which human activity has developed contrasts with the naturally slow pace of biological evolution. Moreover, the goals of this rapid and constant change are not necessarily geared to the common good or to integral and sustainable human development..
#Faster #LaudatoSi
#LaudatoSi #faster #Rapidification
> “A compression of time characterizes the life of the century now closing,” wrote #JamesGleick in.. #Faster. . Given what we know about the variability of our time sense, it seems clear that information and communication technologies would have a particularly strong effect on our perception of time.. Society’s “activity rhythm” has never been so harried. Impatience is a contagion spread from gadget to gadget.
#NicholasCarr #Rapidification #ActivityRhythm #Impatience
#impatience #activityrhythm #Rapidification #nicholascarr #faster #JamesGleick