Goalimpact · @goalimpact
584 followers · 291 posts · Server det.social

Brilliant article (opinion - fact based) on the first-hand experience of internet based journalism in trying to work positively, w/out succes, with

The misdirection and purposeful ignorance of it by Facebook is what we've come to expect from commercial socmed.

And so goes under Musk.


#Rappler #facebook #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

Anthony Taberna sarcastically congratulates for winning the


About her being taken to court: She and ruined a businessman's rep with . He sued her.

About her arrest: The president has many critics. They are not arrested. You get arrested when you Break The Law!

Shame on her for making the look bad. Shame on the world's journalists and Nobel for not doing due diligence. Big disappointment.

#PhilStar #news #NobelPeacePrize #Ressa #Nobel #Rappler #fakenews #Philippines

Last updated 3 years ago