I did not know that today was #Rarediseaseday . Last year I had an #MRI done on my brain for something else. Then I find out that I was born with an #underdeveloped #CorpusCallosum. Or #AgenesisoftheCorpusCallosum. The Corpus Callosum is the fibrous part of the brain that connects and communicates between the two #hemispheres. This is a rare disease that can cause developmental delays, learning disabilities, and eating difficulties to name a few.
#hemispheres #agenesisofthecorpuscallosum #corpuscallosum #underdeveloped #mri #RareDiseaseDay
#RareDiseaseDay: Dr. Jacob Adashek of Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center discussed research on tumor mutational burden and checkpoint molecules -Experts call this a breakthrough in cancer research! #CancerResearch #MedNewsWeek #OncologyLeaders https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-03-01&topic=RareDiseaseDay
#oncologyleaders #mednewsweek #cancerresearch #RareDiseaseDay
Today, on #rarediseaseday, we’re sharing a couple ways that @ucsc is advancing research for treatments of rare diseases.
1. The Millhauser lab recently gained insight on a new way to develop treatments for the the rare genetic disease cystinosis.
2. Michael Stone & team have been working to examine disruptions to the processing of RNA in the cell. They developed an RNA Rescue challenge that invites players to solve puzzles & advance therapeutics.
We recognize there is still a long way to go❤️
Today, on #rarediseaseday, we’re sharing a couple ways that @ucsc is advancing research on treatments for rare diseases.
1. The Millhauser lab recently gained insight on a new way to develop treatments for the the rare genetic disease cystinosis.
2. Michael Stone & team have been working to examine disruptions to the processing of RNA in the cell. They developed an RNA Rescue challenge that invites players to solve puzzles & advance therapeutics.
We recognize there is still a long way to go❤️
It's #RareDiseaseDay so I wanted to share my own rare disease, Lime Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD).
Great interview with Dr. Jacob Adashek discussing his abstract on the correlation between transcription expression and multiple checkpoint proteins on #RareDiseaseDay #CancerResearch #JohnsHopkins #ResearchSpotlight https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-28&topic=RareDiseaseDay
#researchspotlight #johnshopkins #cancerresearch #RareDiseaseDay
On #RareDiseaseDay, a reminder that while individual rare diseases are rare, collectively over 5% of the world population has a rare disease.
Add the family and friends who support rare disease patients and the number of people impacted by rare diseases makes them a fairly common burden. A burden that countries shouldn't ignore any longer.
Newborn screening doesn't solve everything, but it will go a long way in improving rare disease diagnosis and care.
On #RareDiseaseDay, a reminder that while individual rare diseases are rare, collectively they over 5% of the world has a rare disease.
Add the family and friends who support rare disease patients and the number of people impacted by rare diseases makes them a fairly common burden. A burden that countries shouldn't ignore any longer.
Newborn screening doesn't solve everything, but it will go a long way in improving rare disease diagnosis and care.
RT @MNDScotland
Today is #RareDiseaseDay.
Although motor neuron disease is considered a #RareDisease, it's not as rare as you might think.
Around 1 in 300 people will develop #MND and with no cure, that means 1 in 300 people will die because of MND.
Please retweet! 💙
#rarediseaseday2023 #MND #raredisease #RareDiseaseDay
Today is #RareDiseaseDay, so here’s a link to my writeup about the 1 in a million #disease or so, primary cerebral #vasculitis, I’ve lived with since 1994. Inflammation in the blood vessels in my #brain. In my case never gone into remission and #progressive. https://www.vasculitis.org.uk/living-with-vasculitis/vivs-story
#progressive #brain #vasculitis #disease #RareDiseaseDay
For 4th year, a meeting which addresses a significant information gap for patients with olfactory neuroblastoma
RT @NCICCR_SurgOnc@twitter.com: Are you ready for #RareDiseaseDay 2023?
4th Annual Olfactory Neuroblastoma meeting hosted by Dr. Nyall London @NCIResearchCtr. Virtual and in-person attendance on February 25, 2023.
More at http://shorturl.at/ACR26
@NIH @theNCI @NIDCD https://twitter.com/NCICCR_SurgOnc/status/1616099077787353088/photo/1
RT @AddisonsUK@twitter.com
We're joining @RareDiseaseUK@twitter.com to get a Google Doodle for #RareDiseaseDay on 28 February 2023!
Get involved, show the power of rare & send an email to doodleproposals@google.com using @RareDiseaseUK@twitter.com's email template.
Visit their website for more info⤵️ https://twitter.com/rarediseaseuk/status/1602652610808381443
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AddisonsUK/status/1611284120549691393