Rasmus Paludan sets the record straight on his Koran burning in Sweden
There have been questions and accusations of Russian interference in Rasmus' protest at the Turkish Embassy in Sweden which started protests across the Islamic world.
We spoke with Rasmus first, 6 days ago, and then again 2 days later.
#BurningKorans #Geopolitics #NATO #RasmusPaludan #Russia #Sweden #Turkey
#turkey #sweden #Russia #RasmusPaludan #nato #Geopolitics #BurningKorans
Allah hu Ackbars all around in Istanbul over Rasmus and the koran burn
As you all know at this site, Rasmus Paludan did one of his demonstrations next to the Turkish embassy in Stockholm this morning. Amazingly, there was little violence from what we know.
But the Turkish FM had a lot to say about it which seems to have resulted in
#BurningKorans #RasmusPaludan #Sweden
#sweden #RasmusPaludan #BurningKorans
RT @MarianoGiustino@twitter.com
Si allontana alle calende greche l'ingresso della #Svezia nella #Nato.#RasmusPaludan ha bruciato il Corano, il libro sacro dell'Islam, davanti all'ambasciata turca a Stoccolma.Ankara annulla la visita del min. della Difesa svedese prevista per il 27gennaio
@RadioRadicale@twitter.com #Turchia
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarianoGiustino/status/1616807446323806208
#turchia #RasmusPaludan #NATO #svezia
Rasmus Paludan explains why he stirs the pot in Sweden
Once upon a time there was a beautiful old country manor. It was built long ago by hard working people who made it to last for their descendants, so long as they could work hard, and maintain the beautiful home that was left to them.
Generations later, some who lived there n
#BurningKorans #Car-B-Ques #IslaminEurope #RasmusPaludan #Sweden
#sweden #RasmusPaludan #IslaminEurope #Car #BurningKorans
Muslims in Sweden use the familiar extra-legal means to destroy rule of law and implement sharia
From RAIR Foundation
#Blasphemy #CivilwarsduetoIslam #demandingsharia #FightingbackagainstIslam #ForcedshariazonesEurope #forcingsharia #Hijra-escalatingdegreeofIslam #HijratoislamifytheWest #IslaminEurope #Islamicsupremacism #RasmusPaludan #ShariaLaw #Sweden
#sweden #ShariaLaw #RasmusPaludan #Islamicsupremacism #IslaminEurope #HijratoislamifytheWest #Hijra #forcingsharia #ForcedshariazonesEurope #FightingbackagainstIslam #demandingsharia #CivilwarsduetoIslam #Blasphemy