Jumbo · @jumbo
140 followers · 2149 posts · Server mas.to

FarRight thug Paludan threatens to burn and rent-a-mob responds with riots. have to stop being puppets of evil people.

report included an excellent graphic on the Islamophobia industry. It stopped me in my tracks. Never seen it priced up like this before.

Muslims must learn from this. You are being exploited by hate-mongering on an industrial scale. Riots are futile. Muslims need strategy not passion! Get wise!

#Al_Jazeera #muslims #quran #Rasmus_Paludan #farright #sweden #islamophobia

Last updated 2 years ago

Jumbo · @jumbo
140 followers · 2149 posts · Server mas.to

Sweden is allowing itself to be manipulated by the Far-Right. It must reconsider how to uphold democracy to ensure right to free speech, public assembly, protest etc is safe-guarded and not hijacked by violent groups to spread hate and bigotry and subvert Sweden's liberal values.

Right now, a moronic thug called Rasmus Paludan is running rings around Swedish government and making them look stupid and weak.

Be smarter, Sweden!

#democracy #farright #Rasmus_Paludan #sweden

Last updated 2 years ago