Clovis's Papou · @Quessours
50 followers · 49 posts · Server

These last few days I've been hyperfixating on feeling a bit more confident about tweaking Linux, understanding a bit better its internals so that I can be a decently proficient user, so I decided to try to install on my (well, 400 actually), and it took me, alas, way more time than it should, between required shady tweaks buried in forums' threads, hardware issues due to a faulty SD card, and of course, chosing my Window Manager (I went with i3 ! :D).

#RaspberryPi4 #archlinux

Last updated 1 year ago

solarlife · @solarlife
27 followers · 44 posts · Server

Ich hab mir einen gekauft und bekommen. 8 GB Version mit SSD.
Bisher installiert: VPN, PiHole, NextCloud mit Collabora, HomeAssistant

Was gibt es noch für interessante Dienste für den RPi?
Macht ein eigener Tor-Node Sinn (würd ich aber auf einem separaten RPi machen)?
Medien-Server - interessant, aber nur wenn man mit Amazon Alexa drauf zugreifen kann. Dazu hab ich leider noch nichts gefunden...


Last updated 2 years ago

Tech⚡️Tobi · @techtobi
79 followers · 100 posts · Server

Schon einige Jahre alt, aber wichtiger denn je: Smarte Gaszählung für mein Dashboard mit : Ein mit Reedkontakt per und am sendet jeden Impuls per zum Server. Die Auswertung & Berechnung in EUR & kWh erfolgt per Modul . Auf diese Weise wird jeder Tag einzeln geloggt, sogar stündliche Momentanverbräuche sind problemlos möglich. Der erste Schritt zu Gaseinsparungen: das Wissen über den eig Verbrauch.

#smarthome #RaspberryPi4 #esp8266 #gpio #ESPEasy #Gaszähler #wlan #fhem #GasCalculator

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Szilvia
5 followers · 263 posts · Server

et : jai essayé ce système sur un rpi4 4Go. Cest beau, c est complet niveau logiciels mais du coup cest assez lent. Je re

#TwisterOs #RaspberryPi4

Last updated 2 years ago

OMG! Ubuntu! · @omgubuntu
361 followers · 773 posts · Server

Ubuntu Brings Full Desktop to Raspberry Pi 4 2GB RAM

Want to run the full Ubuntu desktop on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 2GB of RAM? Well, now you can. Ubuntu already supports the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB and 8GB versions (and has done since the Ubuntu 20.10 release). Now the team building the distro plan to go further by supporting the Raspberry Pi 4 2GB model too (which costs around £40, if you’re considering one). However, making Ubuntu run decently on devices with modest amounts of memory is difficult. Enter zswap, Ubuntu’s ‘secret weapon’ in targeting low-memory Pis with the full-blown Ubuntu experience. Most Ubuntu systems come :sys_more_orange:


#dev #raspberrypi #RaspberryPi4 #Ubuntu22_04Lts #Zswap

Last updated 3 years ago

OMG! Ubuntu! · @omgubuntu
361 followers · 773 posts · Server

Meet the Raspberry Pi 400, a $70 Keyboard PC

Raspberry Pi has dished up a new treat for its legion of fans, as well as anyone who’s looking for a capable, affordable Linux PC. The Raspberry Pi 400, newly announced today, is a full-fledged :sys_more_orange:


#hardware #news #raspberrypi #RaspberryPi4

Last updated 4 years ago

OMG! Ubuntu! · @omgubuntu
361 followers · 773 posts · Server

Ubuntu 20.10 Desktop Now Supports the Raspberry Pi 4

Ubuntu 20.10 is the first version of Ubuntu desktop to support the Raspberry Pi. Other versions of Ubuntu have been produced for the popular single-board computer over the years but these have been stripped down, :sys_more_orange:


#news #raspberrypi #RaspberryPi4 #Ubuntu20_10

Last updated 4 years ago

OMG! Ubuntu! · @omgubuntu
361 followers · 773 posts · Server

Official Ubuntu Desktop Support for the Raspberry Pi 4 is On the Way

Your dream of being able to run Ubuntu desktop on the Raspberry Pi 4 may be closer to reality than you think. October’s Ubuntu 20.10 release may introduce official support for Ubuntu desktop on the :sys_more_orange:


#dev #news #raspberrypi #RaspberryPi4 #Ubuntu20_10

Last updated 4 years ago