A method of reading analog inputs from digital pins using #Python on the #raspberrypipico. I like this!
The only thing that I'm not 100% sure about is whether I can slow charging by putting an extra resistor in so that instead of using a 1uf capactor (that I don't have) I can use a 22nf capacitor.
Today I have discovered #PicoGUS, an ISA soundcard for DOS PCs powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico. The amount of hardware hacking going on these days is incredible. Microcontrollers were a great idea. #RaspberryPiPico #RP2040 #DOSGaming #MSDOS #RetroGaming #RetroComputing
#PicoGUS #RaspberryPiPico #rp2040 #dosgaming #msdos #retrogaming #retrocomputing
After soldering a bunch to boards and sticking them in a box I've somehow ended up with switch bits. I haven't even pushed it yet 🙄 #RaspberryPiPico
PicoLoop8 is my latest probably crazy #RaspberryPiPico dev board 😀 .
They're UART linked by UART0 on PicoN to UART1 on PicoN+1.
I've also connected 8 consecutive GPIO (GP2-9 on PicoN to GP12-19 on PicoN+1) which I'm hoping to use for parallel PIO communication with GP10/11 on PicoN connected to GP2/27 on PicoN+1 for additional signalling.
The loop is completed either by the link PCB shown in the picture or by using another PicoLoop8 on top those who want 16 (or more 😉 ) Pico 🥳 .
Please welcome to the world the #PsiDrive, a #Psion USB SSD Drive using a #RaspberryPiPico.
This works with the SSDs that were used with the SIBO range of computers, including the Series 3 and MC400.
This prototype can only be used to dump SSDs, but future versions of the firmware will let you write to RAM SSDs, and future versions of the board will let you write to Flash SSDs.
#90s #pcb #rp2040 #retrodev #retrocomputing #RaspberryPiPico #psion #psidrive
I made a WiFi pineaple “Free WiFi” to greet the user with a ‘Hello, World!’ with a #RaspberryPiPico. Would be funny to go in town with that hooked to a power bank to make some pranks.
11 Great Raspberry Pi Pico Projects
Check it out! 👇
#Micropython #Adjacent #Googlenewsfeatures #RaspberryPiPico #Projects #Bigpic #Robot #Diy #RaspberryPi #Coding #SmartHome #Roundups #Games
#micropython #adjacent #googlenewsfeatures #RaspberryPiPico #projects #bigpic #robot #DIY #raspberrypi #coding #smarthome #roundups #games
Does anyone have any good examples of projects that use the #PIO feature of the #RaspberryPiPico?
#RaspberryPi #PiPico #electronics #Arduino #PlatformIO #retrocomputing
#retrocomputing #platformio #arduino #electronics #pipico #raspberrypi #RaspberryPiPico #pio
I have finished code for my #RaspberryPiPico based 433Mhz weather receiver box and integrated it with #HomeAssistant.
I have published the #Rust code and hardware description on GitHub: https://github.com/Jajcus/rpp_433mhz_weather_receiver
It was a fun project. It is working mostly as expected, but I am not happy with the range (the cheap receiver module is not very good, it seems) – not very useful for me right now. Maybe an external antenna will help a bit.
#RaspberryPiPico #homeassistant #rust #electronics
A USB Audio to Bluetooth Adapter using a Raspberry Pi Pico W #RaspberryPiPico #USB #Audio https://blog.adafruit.com/?p=555247
Meanwhile, I wrote a small blog post on the procedure of running the Blink example on #RaspberryPiPico module; not new information, but it was a pleasure to write something technical.
Link to the blog post: https://recolog.blogspot.com/2023/08/running-blink-example-on-raspberry-pi.html
It's been a while since I last soldered something. Today, I was soldering headers to a #RaspberryPiPico and screwed it up. The two header pads are not well aligned, and so, I can't fix the thing to a breadboard due to the mismatch of the gaps.
But that's okay. There are days like this.
My #raspberry #pi #pico suddenly couldn't be accessed via Thonny. Well, I did some digging around and this command fixed it...
wget -O thonny-latest.sh https://thonny.org/installer-for-linux
#raspberry #pi #pico #Thonny #RaspberryPiPico
I have built a simple box to receive temperature and humidity data from external sensor of a cheap 'weather station'.
Made of #RaspberryPiPico and a cheap 433MHz receiver ('RXB6').
Code that decodes the signal and sends it over USB is written in #Rust
The goal is to get the external weather data into my #HomeAssistant
#RaspberryPiPico #rust #homeassistant #electronics
I just ran a scan of all the 3 ADC pins on the Pi Pico. Over the 30 seconds or so I ran it, the results were not encouraging....
ADC: 11442 16628 12371
ADC: 10642 15763 11922
ADC: 10114 14995 11458
ADC: 14803 20549 16404
ADC: 26886 34712 28006
ADC: 32215 40505 32439
ADC: 33800 41962 33592
ADC: 11346 16468 12242
ADC: 10770 15811 11938
ADC: 10066 14883 11490
ADC: 11634 17092 13315
ADC: 23333 30439 24565
ADC: 31447 39897 31975
ADC: 32952 40970 32968
ADC: 31639 39513 31175
ADC: 10946 15827 12034
ADC: 10482 15443 11682
ADC: 10130 14723 11186
ADC: 12803 18244 14291
ADC: 63759 63471 64735
#RaspberryPiPico #raspberry #raspberrypi #magpi
This should be good as my light sensor for the solar Tracker. #raspberrypi #electronics #RaspberryPiPico
#raspberrypi #electronics #RaspberryPiPico
This is what I'm working on at the moment with the #raspberrypipico and it's getting some odd results.
This is how I like my #RaspberryPiPico. Visible for everyone to see. Like on my
#picobricks and #elecfreaks
#wukong2040. And as always using #microblocks to do all the fun stuff with it.
#RaspberryPiPico #PicoBricks #elecfreaks #wukong2040 #microblocks