🧠: "Just quickly wire up those four wires from Pico to display"
🤯OCD 30 minutes later...
Raspberry Pico-powered e-reader all soldered up and running from battery power. Looks to be about 80% of the way there, so only the other 80% left to do until it's finished #RaspberryPico
Raspberry Pico based ereader working better than I expected it would, but I have a *little* bit of soldering to do to make it usable #RaspberryPico #RaspberryPi
Working on a #RaspberryPicoW display to showcase what is currently playing on #plex. Fun project with both #python and #micropython in the stack.
Now all that remains is getting buttons to work and hardening against network failures.
#raspberrypicow #plex #python #micropython #hardware #microcontroler #RaspberryPico
The code snippet for reading (approximate) battery levels for the LiPo SHIM for Pico didn't work on the Pico-W, so I've tweaked it http://karlbunyan.com/2023/07/detecting-pico-w-lipo-shim-battery-charge-level/ #RaspberryPico #Pimoroni
Because I always buy the wrong thing first, I hedged my bets and bought three different types of moisture sensor. They turned out to be much more different than I expected: http://karlbunyan.com/2023/05/moist-moister-moisterest-aka-three-raspberry-pico-moisture-sensors-tested/ #RaspberryPico #RaspberryPi
I've had to learn about memory fragmentation on the Pico. Fun! Well, not fun, not at the time, but useful now I've gotten through it. http://karlbunyan.com/2023/04/lcds-and-pico-memory-management/ #RaspberryPico #micropython
I played around with three different Raspberry Pico temperature measuring components to see if I could get an accurate temperature display. The result? Yes, if I fudge the numbers. http://karlbunyan.com/2023/03/measuring-temperature-with-the-raspberry-pico/ #RaspberryPico #RaspberryPi #micropython
#RaspberryPico #raspberrypi #micropython
I bought a tiny speaker and plugged it into the Pico, and it worked! If "makes a noise but sounds terrible" counts. http://karlbunyan.com/2023/03/playing-simple-sounds-with-the-pico-and-adafruit-stemma-speaker/ #RaspberryPico #micropython
I've spent the afternoon on something as pointless as it is satisfying: making the volcano in the board game Downfall of Pompeii light up when you drop a piece in. And as a bonus it triggers a rumbling MP3 on the Sonos speakers (which I didn't record) #RaspberryPico #micropython #Boardgames
#boardgames #micropython #RaspberryPico
Making a bird camera is a lot harder than an e-ink display. Step 1: trying to get images out of the "compatible" camera http://karlbunyan.com/2023/02/the-arduino-mini-camera-ov2640-2mp-plus-and-the-pico/ #RaspberryPico #RaspberryPi
My little e-ink weather display project finally has a home on the wall. It may be shonky, but it's mine. http://karlbunyan.com/2023/02/the-final-e-ink-weather-display/ #RaspberryPico #RaspberryPi
Is anyone else experiencing some weird stuff with #micropython on #raspberrypico? Bottom line: I tried to follow the "web server on pico W" tutorials, and it works fine BUT: next time I try to connect, it won't, and then Thonny (or anything else) won't even recognize the board, and the solution is to nuke flash and start over again. Is that a bug in one of micropython's modules, maybe?
I'm most likely biting off more than I can chew with the next Pi project: a Pico bird camera http://karlbunyan.com/2023/01/a-raspberry-pico-bird-camera/ #RaspberryPico #raspberrypi
in which I discover that customising fonts for an e-ink display would be very hard indeed if it wasn't for a very clever library: http://karlbunyan.com/2023/01/customising-the-e-ink-weather-display/ #raspberrypi #RaspberryPico #micropython
#micropython #RaspberryPico #raspberrypi
The e-ink/pico journey continues, this time trying to display an image in landscape rather than portrait mode http://karlbunyan.com/2023/01/micropython-e-ink-display-rotation/ #raspberrypi #RaspberryPico #micropython
#micropython #RaspberryPico #raspberrypi
More on my Pi Pico/e-ink display tinkering: http://karlbunyan.com/2023/01/writing-to-the-e-ink-display-with-micropython/ #raspberrypi #RaspberryPico #micropython
#micropython #RaspberryPico #raspberrypi
Hat jemand schon mal ein Türschild inklusive Magnetkontakt mit dem #RaspberryPico gebastelt? Ich habe zwar eine Idee für die Umsetzung, bin aber nicht sicher ob es funktioniert...
Another iteration on the UI. I'll get there eventually #badger2040 #pimoroni #piPico #RaspberryPico
#badger2040 #pimoroni #pipico #RaspberryPico