RAGAZZI VELOCI - Mattia #Rato ha appena chiuso il suo secondo GP nel Mondiale #Moto2, stavolta su una pista conosciuta. Com'è andata in Catalunya? L'intervista. https://www.corsedimoto.com/motomondiale/intervista-moto2-mattia-rato-gare-juniorgp-ora-sembrano-sprint/
RAGAZZI VELOCI - Mattia #Rato al via nell'Europeo #Moto2 in #JuniorGP 2023 con AGR Team. L'obiettivo comune è arrivare a lottare costantemente per le zone alte. https://www.corsedimoto.com/in-pista/cev-moto2-mattia-rato-con-agr-team-puo-fare-il-salto-di-qualita/
Another nice thing about Campo de Ourique is that it sits at the end/beginning of the 28E line - one of the famous electric trolleys that takes you through the historic districts of the city, so it's very convenient if you want to hit busy/popular areas of the city. You can ride it back to Campo, or take the bus back. Campo's closest Metro station is #Rato, and gets you anywhere you want to be - including regional train service.
El el Gobierno más progresista de la historia de España...
"La #AudienciaNacional absuelve a todos los procesados por la salida a Bolsa de #Bankia, incluido Rodrigo #Rato"
#audiencianacional #bankia #Rato