#RPGaDay2023 Day 28: Scariest game you've played
probably a game of #Ravenloft we played as kids in the 90s. Parents of a friend had a garden house in an allotment garden, where we stayed overnight and got all jazzed up about the brand new #adnd Ravenloft boxed set. In the end, we were scared of going the bathroom. Yes I know, Ravenloft is really silly, but that was the foundation of my love for the setting.
1) First RPG i played (this year)
I still have much love for the 2nd ed, especially for the gorgeous boxed sets: #Ravenloft #Darksun …
#rpgaday2023 #ADnD2E #Ravenloft #darksun
One of my favorite bits of official #Ravenloft lore is the reason Soth stopped being a Darklord was the Dark Powers found him boring and kicked his ass back to Krynn.
Which always makes me laugh when I think about it.
I went a little crazy last night and jotted down an idea that's been percolating in my brain for a while. I don't know if I'll ever do anything with this concept but the image in my mind was very striking. No real CWs on it but it's really dark and has some #Ravenloft spoilers.
#Writing #dnd5e #DND #Ravenloft
Oh boy. Ireena is pissed. For the first time in gameplay I have invoked a special ability she has.
Basically what happens when she uses this attack is her blood turns into liquid sunlight.
Which is really not good for her but basically when she finally met Lathander in person she insisted he give this to her.
I was thinking about the time in #Ravenloft when we picked a fight with an attic full of vampires and I remember our DM having what I now recognize as the DM's thousand yard stare of "these idiots are gonna get themselves killed."
My recollection of how that ended was somebody jumped out the window and splatted followed by the druid in cat form landing on her back.
@factolvictor could‘nt agree more. I‘m a huge fan of #Ravenloft, but as with every other medium (think movies, books) we should approach #ttrpg related stuff from a historical-critical perspective (and then still enjoy it, if we want to/can). The 80s and 90s were such a different world, in many regards. I was probably talking some awful sh** playing Ravenloft as a teenager in the 90s, making up some vistani villain (yikes) maybe or whatnot 🤷🏻♂️? I don‘t know
@factolvictor I change the often stereotypical depictions of female NPCs. In 90s modules, women are oftenwise portrayed either as damsel in distress or seductress (#Ravenloft looking at you!), which is annoying. Moreover, i try to trim railroady elements away. I use #ADnD2E, #FiveTorchesDeep, and (since two weeks) ago: #shadowdarkrpg. In a way, Shadowdark is like #dnd5e s cooler sister. We go dungeoncrawling instead of discussing optimal subclasses 🥱
#Ravenloft #ADnD2E #FiveTorchesDeep #shadowdarkrpg #dnd5e
@Morgunin Hast Du mal das Original #Ravenloft gespielt/geleitet? Ein Killer - mehrere Gruppen... #TPK.
Viva #LevelDrain...
My little „Experiment“ continued: a re-run of #CurseOfStradh, but with #ADnD2E instead of 5e. Surprisingly uneventful (the dice were not in favor of random encounters, today), but atmospheric: Travel montages, a card reading, The Tser Falls, „Dark Neuschwanstein“ (Castle #Ravenloft), NOT entering the old mill…touring all the gothed-up bucolic landscape which is Barovia so to say 1/2
#curseofstradh #ADnD2E #Ravenloft
@SteamTinkerer Moin! Alles Gute und viel Kraft Dir🤞Ich werde am Wochenende ein #Ravenloft (#adnd) und #morkborg für nächste Woche vorbereiten. S
@gorthian das geht für mich als #Ravenloft Fan natürlich in die richtige Richtung… fein-fein
12. Have you ever designed a #dungeon? Yes - but my love for ❤️dungeons❤️ started pretty late compared to my time in the hobby. To some extent, this might be due to the fact, that I was socialized into #ttrpgs playing #Midgard (Germany’s earliest #ttrpg) - in which dungeons did not feature prominently - and #Adnd2, which was geared towards playing „plot“-driven campaigns (#Dragonlance, #Ravenloft), at least from our perspective back then.
#dungeon #ttrpgs #midgard #ttrpg #adnd2 #Dragonlance #Ravenloft
@n8flug @the_pulp_hero Darf ich fragen, was Du von der Übersetzung hältst? Waldems ist da nicht so ganz problemfrei. Es wäre ein Warhammer, wenn die ganze Kampagne übersetzt würde. Alle reden über #Ravenloft (das Original bitte) oder #CoC-Sachen, wie #Masksof….
Ich hatte am meisten Spaß mit #TEW trotz #TPK und unfinished business. Mir ist #WFRP4e mechanisch zu überfrachtet, aber die Bücher von C7 sind ziemmmmmlich toll. Sie machten auch „das beste“ #CoC-Material…
Zauberhaftes Wochenende.
#Ravenloft #CoC #masksof #tew #tpk #wfrp4e
@AetherEgo @RPP_Cast das transdimensionale Anwesen des Blood King erscheint in der Gegend, in der sich die SC aufhalten. Das ist…weniger gut, denn jetzt verschwinden Menschen. Der Blutkönig hält Hof und Vampir*innen aus diversen Welten versammeln sich in seinen Hallen. Erkundet man dieselben, stößt man auf rivalisierende Fraktionen am Hofe, schauderliches Inventar und eine Vampirjägerin, die Van Helsing und Rudolph Van Richten wie Anfänger erscheinen lässt. Castle #Ravenloft auf LSD #osr
@RPP_Cast #Dungeons/#Megadungeons sind grundsätzlich(!) doof/gestrig. Episode nicht gehört, Ihr habt es so gewollt:
1. Katakomben des Bärenkultes, #SchwerterundDämonen
2. Stretch: #TheEnemyWithin, #WFRP, die Jagd nach dem dreibeinigen Goblin, erster Teil? (iirc).
3. Das Hügelgrab bei Clydach, #MIDGARD
Honorable Mentions:
H1. #EyesoftheStoneThief, #13thAge
H2. #Rahasia bzw. #Ravenloft (I6 bitte! #DnD #ADND)
H3. #THEGODTHATCRAWLS bzw. #CursedChateau (#LotFP, #OSR)
Subject to change. Enjoy.
#dungeons #schwerterunddamonen #TheEnemyWithin #WFRP #midgard #eyesofthestonethief #13thage #rahasia #Ravenloft #dnd #adnd #thegodthatcrawls #cursedchateau #LotFP #osr
@GelatinousRube finish my little #osr fanzine, concluding my #Adnd2 #Ravenloft game, then: start some kind of Hop on/Hop Off #osr Megadungeon or Westmarshes campaign, play more #MothershipRPG, try out #TheBlackSwordHack and #KultDL…. Continue my passionate, but ultimately futile quest to find/identify „the best“ #dnd retroclone/Hack/Dragon Game Heartbreaker
#osr #adnd2 #Ravenloft #mothershiprpg #TheBlackSwordHack #kultdl #dnd
(3) Another game world i dig is the #Ravenloft setting. Does the worldbuilding make any Sense? No (The „Dark Powers“ want WHAT?!“). Is the Dragongame a good fit for #GothicHorror? Hell no, for a thousand reasons. Yet, i‘m enamored with the Domains of Dread. I perceive #Ravenloft as a sub-genre in itself: Hammer Horror meets gothic trappings meets sword brandishing dudes meets Count of Count 🧛♂️ 2/2
Games I've run or played this year:
#Adnd2 (#Ravenloft, #DarkSun)
#5e (#CoS)
#OSE #adnd2 #Ravenloft #darksun #AlienRPG #mothershiprpg #5e #cos #CthulhuDark #MausRitter #TrophyGoldRPG #FiveTorchesDeep #BrindlewoodBay #dcc #actionmovieworld