«You have to inject yourself with a little fantasy every day in order not to die of reality.»
– Ray Bradbury
"Insane people give me hope...The insane have decided to stay on,” Crumley said. “They love life so much that, rather than destroy it, they go behind a self-made wall to hide. Pretend not to hear, but they do hear. Pretend not to see, but see. Insanity says: I hate living but love life. Hate the rules but do like me. So, rather than drop in graves, I hide out."
- A Graveyard for Lunatics,
Ray Bradbury
#bookstodon #booknerd #quotes #RayBradbury
I know I am fascinated with fire. And perhaps for the same reason, the sound of the ocean.
“‘What is there about fire that’s so lovely? No matter what age we are, what draws us to it?’ Beatty blew out the flame and lit it again. ‘It’s perpetual motion; the thing man wanted to invent but never did.'” #RayBradbury #QOTD
#RayBradbury Martian chronicles book is one of my favorite #scifi books. Reading it for the fifth time and it is still cool and a bit spooky.
#RayBradbury Martian chronicles book is one of my favorite #scifi books. Reading it for the fifth time and it is still cool and a bit spooky.
"[...] - E sabe de uma coisa?
- O quê?
- As #pessoas não #conversam sobre nada.
- Ah, elas devem #falar de alguma coisa!
- Não, de nada. O que mais falam é de #marcas de #carros ou #roupas ou #piscinas e dizem: 'Que legal!'. Mas todos dizem a mesma coisa e ninguém diz nada diferente de ninguém."
Do #Livro #Fahrenheit451, de #RayBradbury.
#excertos #pessoas #conversam #falar #marcas #carros #Roupas #piscinas #livro #fahrenheit451 #RayBradbury #literatura #livros #classicos #oslivrosdemaria
#7Books para conocerme:
📙 "El Amor en los Tiempos del Cólera" de #gabrielgarciamarquez
📙 *Canción de Hielo y Fuego" de #georgerrmartin
📙 *El extranjero" de #albertcamus
📙 "Las Siete Leyes Espirituales del Éxito" de #deepakchopra
📙 "Padre rico, Padre pobre" de #robertkiyosaki
📙 "Crónicas del Señor de la Guerra" de #bernardcornwell
📙 "Zen en el Arte de Escribir" de #raybradbury
#7books #GabrielGarciaMarquez #georgerrmartin #albertcamus #DeepakChopra #robertkiyosaki #bernardcornwell #RayBradbury #saturday
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc. #Bookstodon. Here are some of mine: #neilgaiman #paolobacigalupi #paulabrackston #margaretatwood #dondelillo #catsparks #RayBradbury #williamgibson #dancheon
#bookstodon #neilgaiman #paolobacigalupi #paulabrackston #margaretatwood #DonDelillo #catsparks #RayBradbury #williamgibson #dancheon
“Cuando me gradué de la escuela secundaria, fue durante la depresión y no teníamos dinero. No pude ir a la universidad, así que fui a la biblioteca de tres días a la semana durante 10 años".
(Ray Bradbury).
#escritores #fediverso #fediverse #literaverso #raybradbury
#escritores #fediverso #fediverse #literaverso #RayBradbury
"[...] Os bons #Escritores quase sempre tocam a #Vida. Os medíocres apenas passam rapidamente a mão sobre ela. Os ruins a estupram e a deixam para as moscas."
Do #Livro #Fahrenheit451, de #RayBradbury.
#escritores #Vida #livro #fahrenheit451 #RayBradbury #literatura #distopia #livros
Crónicas Marcianas de #RayBradbury, el poeta de la ciencia ficción:
El cohete, de pie en la fría mañana de invierno, engendraba el estío con el aliento de sus poderosos escapes. El cohete creaba el buen tiempo, y durante unos instantes fue verano en la tierra…
#RayBradbury #libros #literatura #mastobooks
All this #rain has me thinking of "All Summer in a Day" by #RayBradbury
Ok, people are sharing their 7 favourite authors on #bookstodon. Here we go, then:
I think it looks like more a list of my most read authors than favourite ones, but it works quite the same.
#bookstodon #StefanoBenni #RayBradbury #patriciahighsmith #AmelieNothomb #charlesdickens #EmiliaPardoBazán #stephenking
#hitchhikersguide #DouglasAdams
#shannara #magickingdom #TerryBrooks
#inheritance #ChristopherPaolini
#ButcherBird #RichardKadrey
#theexpanse #JamesSACorey
#RiteOfPassage #AlexeiPanshin
#lockeandkey #JoeHill
#saga #BrianKVaughan
#hisdarkmaterials #PhilipPullman
#1984book #GeorgeOrwell
#AWrinkleInTime #MadeleineLEngle
#StrangerInAStrangeLand #RobertHeinlein
#fahrenheit451 #RayBradbury
#WatershipDown #RichardAdams
#hitchhikersguide #douglasadams #shannara #magickingdom #TerryBrooks #inheritance #ChristopherPaolini #ButcherBird #RichardKadrey #theexpanse #JamesSACorey #RiteOfPassage #AlexeiPanshin #lockeandkey #JoeHill #saga #BrianKVaughan #hisdarkmaterials #PhilipPullman #1984book #georgeorwell #AWrinkleInTime #MadeleineLEngle #StrangerInAStrangeLand #robertheinlein #fahrenheit451 #RayBradbury #WatershipDown #RichardAdams