In the 🇪🇺, we throw away about 5.8 million tonnes of textiles every year. 👗
We endorse the @EU_Commission’s proposal to make producers responsible for the full lifecycle of textiles & support the sustainable management of waste in EU. ⬇️
#CircularEconomy #ReFashionNow
#CircularEconomy #ReFashionNow
Did you know that 5.8 million tonnes of textiles are thrown away every year, nearly 11 kilos per person?
We endorse the European Commission’s proposal to make producers responsible for the full lifecycle of textile products and to support the sustainable management of textile waste across the EU.
The fees collected will help boost reuse & repair sectors, so let's make sustainable fashion trends the new norm! 👗
Our opinion:!crBmt9
#circulareconomy #ReFashionNow
Dernier jour des #soldes ?
5,8 millions de tonnes de textiles sont jetées chaque année rien que dans l'#UE
Participez à notre campagne et contribuez à sensibiliser l'🇪🇺 à la mode plus éthique et durable.
RT @LifeANHIDRA: Thanks DG @EU_ENV @EU_Commission & #ReSetTheTrend for promoting #LifeANHIDRA! 😄
Proud to #ReFashionNow the #textileindustry! Take action, become a role model!
@jeanologia @aitex_es #PizarroSA
@LIFEprogramme #EU #EULife21 #CINEA_EU #EUGreenDeal #water #LIFEis31 #LIFEamplifiers
#resetthetrend #LifeANHIDRA #ReFashionNow #textileindustry #PizarroSA #EU #EULife21 #CINEA_EU #EUGreenDeal #water #LIFEis31 #LIFEAmplifiers
Not everyone can be a fashion model...🤷
But anyone can be a role model.😇
Join the #ReFashionNow campaign and be a champion of #sustainablefashion.
@LifeANHIDRA is one of the #LIFEprojects resetting the trend.💃
Let's learn from this role model.
#ReFashionNow #sustainablefashion #LIFEprojects
Questions-réponses sur la stratégie de l'UE pour des textiles durables & circulaires 👕♻️
#RESetTheTrend #ReFashionNow
“If we want to change fashion, we have to change our behaviour.” @VSinkevicius
Let’s #ReSetTheTrend #ReFashionNow
#TEDxBrussels 2023
#resetthetrend #ReFashionNow #TEDxBrussels
#TEDxBrussels 2023 - RESET au @TheatreNational, salle comble pour le talk de @VSinkevicius
#TEDxBrussels #CircularEconomy #resetthetrend #ReFashionNow
De @EU_Commission lanceerde daarom het initiatief #ReSettheTrend, dat komaf wil maken met #fastfashion.
Lees meer over concrete acties 👉🏻!v9vNkf, doe mee aan de #ReSettheTrend campagne & word ambassadeur van duurzame mode!!4cYJKk
#resetthetrend #fastfashion #ReFashionNow
Textile consumption has devastating consequences on climate.
Together we can:
👗 transform the fashion industry;
☘️ reach the #EUGreenDeal goals;
♻️ advocate for a more sustainable future.
Let's #ReSetTheTrend and join the #ReFashionNow movement!
#EUGreenDeal #resetthetrend #ReFashionNow
A moda rápida já não está na moda!👚⚠️
👕 Sabia que a indústria da moda tem o 4.º maior impacto no ambiente e alterações climáticas?
A @EU_Commission propõe que, até 2030, os produtos na 🇪🇺 têm de ser mais resistentes, recicláveis e produzidos e de forma justa ♻️
Ήρθε η ώρα να αλλάξουμε τον τρόπο που βλέπουμε τη μόδα! 👕👖🧣👗👟
Η νέα μας καμπάνια #ReFashionNow, προαγάγει τη συμμετοχή των Ευρωπαίων στην καταπολέμηση της γρήγορης μόδας.
Είστε μαζί μας;
🔗!Mch4FR #CircularEconomy
#ReFashionNow #CircularEconomy
RT @EU_EESC: Let's reset the trend together and make fast fashion out of fashion!
Our daily choices have the power to make the textile fashion more sustainable.
We are currently working on an opinion on the revision of the Textile Labelling Regulation.
Razmišljate o💚osvežitvi svoje pomladno/poletne garderobe?🌷 Ne čakajte na maj! 😉
Naša brezplačna izmenjevalnica 👖👗 in popravljalnica oblačil kliče! #EUGreenWeek
📌17. - 24. 2023 | 10.00 - 18.00 | #HišaEU #ReFashionNow #OdkrivajEU
#EUGreenWeek #HišaEU #ReFashionNow #OdkrivajEU
Naj gre hitra moda iz mode! #ReFashionNow
Naše odločitve spreminjajo tekstilno industrijo, ki je danes med🔝 največjimi onesnaževalci z emisijami toplogrednih plinov.
Skupaj spreminjajmo modne trende!💚
Kako?👉Pridružite se nam:
📌17. - 24. 2023 | 10.00 - 18.00 | #HišaEU👇
Z odprtjem naše brezplačne izmenjevalnice 👗👖 ob 12.15 začenjamo 🇪🇺 zeleni teden #EUGreenWeek.
Ste pripravljeni na osvežitev svoje pomladno/poletne garderobe? Vabljeni v Hišo EU!
📌17. - 24. 2023 | 10.00 - 18.00 | #HišaEU 🔗👇
#EUGreenWeek #HišaEU #ReFashionNow #OdkrivajEU
👗👖 Iščete nov modni dodatek? Retro popestritev garderobe? Ali pa bi radi popravili zadrgo na jakni?
Osvežite svojo 🌷garderobo💚,obiščite brezplačno izmenjevalnico & popravljalnico oblačil v hiši EU! #ReFashionNow
📅 17.– 21. 4. 2023👇#EUGreenWeek
Let's reset the trend together and make fast fashion out of fashion!
Our daily choices have the power to make the textile fashion more sustainable.
We are currently working on an opinion on the revision of the Textile Labelling Regulation.
Ste se že lotili🌷čiščenja omar?
Naj vaše👕👖👗 ne pristanejo med 5,8 mio tonami tekstila, ki se jih v EU zavrže vsako leto.
Izbirajte trajnostni tekstil in oblačilom dajte drugo življenje.
❌Recite NE hitri modi!👉 #ReFashionNow 💚
¿Sabías que la moda es una de las industrias con mayores emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero?
Conoce las propuestas de la Estrategia de la UE para Textiles Sostenibles y Circulares.