Fitto: nessun ritardo nel PNRR, un errore concentrarsi solamente sugli obiettivi intermedi #fondidicoesione #PianoNazionalediRipresaeResilienza #REPowerEU
#fondidicoesione #pianonazionalediripresaeresilienza #RePowerEU
PNRR: per la Commissione UE la revisione dei piani nazionali non dovrebbe abbassarne l’ambizione #PianoNazionalediRipresaeResilienza #REPowerEU
#pianonazionalediripresaeresilienza #RePowerEU
Uscire dal #gas si può?? SI: qui un po' è spiegato come 🧵
RT @AgoraEW
📣 New EU Gas Exit Pathway: EU can halve its #fossilgas use by 2030 & completely phase it out by 2050, with less renewable #hydrogen than planned in #REPowerEU while fully ensuring security of supply, without disruptive behavioral changes. Findings ⬇️ 1/9
#gas #fossilgas #hydrogen #RePowerEU
La Slovacchia aggiorna il suo Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza #PNRR #REPowerEU #Slovacchia
RT @EUKommWien
.@MartinSelmayr: Mit dem Aufbauinstrument #RRF 📈🇪🇺 stellt die EU 800 Mrd. € bereit.
Durch #REPowerEU werden weitere Mittel eingesetzt. Die Mitgliedstaaten müssen diese Gelder weiterhin effektiv für die grüne 🌱 & digitale Transformation nutzen.
Pnrr/Italia: al via la produzione di idrogeno e energie rinnovabili #Commissioneeuropea #GiorgiaMeloni #idrogeno #PNRR #REPowerEU
#RePowerEU #pnrr #idrogeno #giorgiameloni #commissioneeuropea
RT @EU_Commission
This week we welcomed the political agreement reached by the @Europarl_EN and the @EUCouncil on the renewable energy directive.
Faster rollout of renewables will help us reach climate neutrality, strengthen our energy security and boost competitiveness - all at once.
RT @EPPGroup
The energy transition must happen quickly.
We need to speed up our investments in renewable energy sources and broadly diversify our energy supply.
Renewable energies are our ticket to a sustainable and independent energy system.
RT @EmberClimate
The EU is on course for 45% renewables by 2030, but could reach 50% with more support.
With clean tech market outlooks far outpacing the Fit-for-55 target, raising EU ambition would ensure that momentum doesn't stall.
Hom es pregunta perquè s’ha necessitat una pressió externa per a induir aquest canvi de política energètica? Perquè no s’ha fet abans, si la necessitat geopolítica, econòmica i mediambiental ja eren paleses anys enrere, i la tecnologia necessària ja hi era també?
#eu #europe #energytransition #climatechange #RePowerEU
The European Union completed a reform on Tuesday that will see energy independence objectives added to the bloc’s €800 billion recovery fund adopted two years ago in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
“The purpose is to strengthen the strategic autonomy of the EU by diversifying its energy supplies and ending its dependency on Russian fossil fuel imports,” said a statement from the Council of the European Union.
#energyindependence #Russia #Energy #RePowerEU #EU
RePower EU ruft zu “technologischer Innovation und industriellem Wandel” in ganz Europa auf
Die Europäische Kommission hat den "Green Deal Industrial Plan" angekündigt, eine Initiative, die die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der EU im Bereich der Netto-Null-Emissionen steigern und den Übergang zur Klimaneutralität beschleunigen soll.
#GoodNews #EnergieWende #EU #GreenDeal #Infrastruktur #Innovation #RePowerEU #DoGood
#goodnews #Energiewende #EU #GreenDeal #Infrastruktur #innovation #RePowerEU #dogood
RePower EU ruft zu “technologischer Innovation und industriellem Wandel” in ganz Europa auf
Die Europäische Kommission hat den "Green Deal Industrial Plan" angekündigt, eine Initiative, die die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der EU im Bereich der Netto-Null-Emissionen steigern und den Übergang zur Klimaneutralität beschleunigen soll.
#GoodNews #EnergieWende #EU #GreenDeal #Infrastruktur #Innovation #RePowerEU #DoGood
#dogood #RePowerEU #innovation #infrastruktur #greendeal #eu #energiewende #goodnews
#REPowerEU: le misure energetiche saranno inserite nei piani di ripresa nazionali[Social_share_buttons]-[twitter]-[it]-[news]-[pressroom]-[repowereu-chapters-in-recovery-and-resilience-plans]- via @Europarl_IT
Die #USA geben mit dem #IRA-Förderprogramm 1,4 Billionen für Zukunftstechnologien aus. Die #EU muss nachziehen. Was sind die Optionen?
#EUIndustrialPlan #NextGenerationEU
#eusovereigntyfund #NextGenerationEU #euindustrialplan #IPCEI #RePowerEU #eugreendeal #EU #IRA #USA
Contrary to Russia's plans, Europe has secured enough energy to be safe this winter.
Thanks to the efforts of Europeans, we have cut our gas use by 20%, well above our target of 15% set in July.
More about the #REPowerEU plan →!wbD6NW
Had the pleasure of meeting Commissioner Kadri Simson at the Investors Dialogue on Energy.
Sidenote - she really is awesome!
#eugreendeal #Energy #Climate #RePowerEU
Kadrin Simson's address at the Investors in Energy Dialogue starts off with her saying the EU has committed to a 45% renewable energy target for 2030!
A good start to the new year
#eugreendeal #Climate #renewables #RePowerEU
(4) Green Deal acceleration - there is no contradiction between the #EUGreendeal and the current crisis. Actually more renewables and energy efficiency would have put the EU in a better position in 2022. The #REpowerEU plan made very explicit the need for an acceleration. 14/n
If we are safe and warm these holidays, it is thanks to the efforts of European citizens and companies and to #REPowerEU, our roadmap to our energy independence from Russia.
What did #REPowerEU do?
The answer in 10 points ↓