Joan Grey · @JoanGrey
56 followers · 406 posts · Server

Welp. My first DNF of the year. I can push post the weirdly incompetent First Time Parent stuff, but when the MC's twin sister starts being emotionally manipulative to direct the gay MC to allow contact with his homophobic mother, I'm out.

#2023inbooks #ReaderThoughts #dnf

Last updated 2 years ago

azteclady · @herhandsmyhands
433 followers · 2496 posts · Server

Watching an Adam Savage YT video of a past livestream, someone asks him, "What makes a character, other than the actor?" and...

The writing.

It's always the writing.

An actor can make a character their own, but it starts always with the writing. Without it, there's nothing for the actor to be or do.

(which is why shitty/inconsistent writing dooms actors too closely identified with any one single character)

#ReaderThoughts #alwaysthewriting

Last updated 2 years ago

azteclady · @herhandsmyhands
244 followers · 1433 posts · Server

Random thought: someone who knows better correct me if I'm wrong, but, if you say that a male character's voice "dropped several octaves", that either means it's below human hearing range, or his normal speaking voice is really high, right?

Saying, "his voice dropped to a growl" or some such serves the same purpose and works better, IMO.

#LanguageSnob #ReaderThoughts

Last updated 2 years ago