I am so, so sad about this. I'm disabled and chronically ill, I became more disabled because of long-covid, the pandemic still exists, and it isn't safe for me to gather, and I no longer live nearby. In the first pandemic year, they put on an amazing virtual con. So good I held it up to other cons as a standard. So many chronically ill and disabled people raved about it. It not only helped those of us who had to attend virtually only, but it enhanced the experience of those who could attend in person. I got to attend easily triple the number of panels I could in-person. I felt so wanted and welcomed.
Today, when I asked how to register, they told me the virtual component is some pre-recorded panels we can talk about on Discord. It's free, so that's nice, but it isn't being included in the con.
I am so sad. My community is no longer welcoming me. I really hope they change and return to being the inclusive con they always were.
.@Readercon what's the story with not having a virtual con this year? A few recorded panels that we can discuss on Discord is not enough. I've attended for 20 years, and as I became more disabled, virtual aspects let me remain part of my community. Now that's gone. #Readercon
I just got an email about next year’s #Readercon—more specifically about proposing panels, workshops, etc.—and oh man, I’m tempted, but I keep waiting to feel like it’s safe/comfortable to attend cons again, and it keeps not happening.
@skylerwrites No, but I’m going to #ICFA and #Stokercon next year, maybe #Readercon. I’ve never been to #Norwescon. What’s it like?
#norwescon #Readercon #StokerCon #icfa
Via Readercon:
Do you have a great panel topic idea for Readercon 32? Or thought of someone new for a panelist? Send us your suggestions! https://readercon.org/contribute
#Readercon was my home con for a long time. Now that they've decided to always have a virtual component they're my forever con.
#introduction I'm awkward at introductions, that's the first thing to know. I'm entirely awkward, tbh. I'm GenX, it's how we turned out.
Right now I'm doing the most successful therapy I've done in my life and it's reignited my love of so many fandoms. I used to write #fanfic and I somehow lost that ability (via disability or trauma or both, idk) and last week I wrote a drabble! My first fiction writing the better part of a decade!
I'm #disabled and #immunocompromised. I have #MultipleSclerosis, #asthma, #migraine, #depression, #anxiety, #MECFS, #PostHerpeticNeuralgia. I'm beginning the diagnostic process for #POTS. I'm an activist by training and by desire, specifically focused on #DisabilityJustice.
I'm a #specfic & #SFF fan. I'm currently reading for the #HugoAwards, which is my favorite thing. I'm a long-time #Readercon attendee and love that they had a virtual con this past year. I also attended virtual #Worldcon last year and am considering virtual #Wiscon.
I'm an East-Coaster and a #SevenSisters alum. #Wellesley
And now it's time for current fandoms!
Games: #Sims4, #Skyrim #Tropico6 #MyTimeAtSandrock
Comics: #SpiderWoman #CaptainMarvel #HarleyQuinn #Lumberjanes
Shows: #MoonKnight, #Heels, #SheRa, #SupermanAndLois, #StarTrek, #Ghosts, #GoodGirls
Books feel like a post of their own. Hi, Fandom Garden!
#introduction #fanfic #disabled #immunocompromised #MultipleSclerosis #asthma #migraine #depression #anxiety #mecfs #PostHerpeticNeuralgia #pots #DisabilityJustice #specfic #sff #HugoAwards #Readercon #Worldcon #wiscon #SevenSisters #Wellesley #sims4 #Skyrim #Tropico6 #MyTimeAtSandrock #SpiderWoman #CaptainMarvel #HarleyQuinn #Lumberjanes #Moonknight #Heels #shera #SupermanAndLois #startrek #Ghosts #GoodGirls