Lots of people using their real names on here. Is it a twitter thing or a new social media thing? People want to build their "brand"? I never did twitter. I prefer the fun of anonymity from the forum / Usenet days. Eventually your friends would know who you are or you organise public meetings and people would call each other by their forum names 😜 #RealNames or #StayAnonymous?
RT @iwashyna@twitter.com
See if http://CritCare.social might be right for you
#GrantAPresumotionOfGoodFaith #RealNames #NoNazis #NoHomophobes
#toots are not tweets but posts
#boosts are not retweets but reshares
@ gargon didn't invent the wheel but improved it and doesn't own it
and, dear @ElonMusk
#realnames don't improve behaviour
@loppear Alts also solve the "different personas in different contexts" issue. Something that #RealNames based single-identity systems fail at miserably.
Forced revelation of information makes individual privilege more important (2014)
In practice, the forced revelation of information makes individual privilege and power more important. When everyone has to play with their cards on the table, so to speak, then people who feel like they can be themselves without consequence do so freely -- these generally being people with support groups of like-minded people, and who are neither economically nor physically vulnerable. People who are more vulnerable to consequences use concealment as a method of protection: it makes it possible to speak freely about controversial subjects, or even about any subjects, without fear of harassment.
-- Yonatan Zunger, chief architect of Google+
HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27858439
#RealNames #anonymity #pseudonymity #identity #power #PowerRelationships #YonatanZunger #GooglePlus #DavidBrin #TransparentSociety
#RealNames #anonymity #pseudonymity #identity #power #PowerRelationships #yonatanzunger #googleplus #DavidBrin #TransparentSociety