My playlist of RTS games I've recorded:
#RTS #RTSgames #Realtimestrategy #Realtimestrategygames #Armies #Units #Army #Unit
#unit #army #units #armies #realtimestrategygames #RealTimeStrategy #rtsgames #rts
News: Rogue Command, a mix of real-time strategy and roguelike.
News: Rogue Command, eine Mischung aus Echtzeitstrategie und Roguelike.
#RogueCommand #Roguelike #GameNews #Echtzeitstrategie #RealTimeStrategy
#roguecommand #roguelike #gamenews #echtzeitstrategie #RealTimeStrategy
Apr 15, 2023 - Day 105 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 112
Game: Satellite Reign
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Aug 18, 2015
Library Date: Apr 20, 2018
Unplayed: 1822d (4y11m27d)
Playtime: 28m
I have a soft spot for cyberpunk themed games, and one of the unexpected side-effects of this project is discovering how many cyberpunk-themed games that aren't *Cyberpunk 2077* I already own.
Satellite Reign is a cyberpunk-themed class-based real-time strategy game.
So far, at the point I'd reached in the game, part-way through what just may be a lengthy tutorial, there's not a lot to critique.
It's a nice, solid little game, and I'm part way through a rescue mission. It captures the dystopian cyberpunk aesthetic nicely, without feeling like a straight rip from Blade Runner, but does feel like it draws from that well, as well as Cyberpunk, and William Gibson.
I'd love to make this a long deep review, but I'm wrestling with fatigue today in a way that seems to have fried my ability to write.
In any case, I'll definitely be going back to play it again, just to see how it unfolds.
Satellite Reign is:
3: OK
#SatelliteReign #RealTimeStrategy #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#satellitereign #RealTimeStrategy #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
A new episode of the War of the Ring (2003) playthrough is up on the YouTube channel! (@carthannasvt)
In this final episode, we take on powerful enemies to defeat evil once and for all!
#vtuber #gaming #lotr #warofthering #tolkien #rts #strategy #retrogaming #2000s #gimli #orc #magic #sword #fantasy #realtimestrategy #middleearth #lordoftherings #game #legolas #aragorn #gandalf #frodo #ranger #horse #mordor #nazgul #balrog
#vtuber #gaming #lotr #warofthering #tolkien #rts #strategy #retrogaming #2000s #gimli #orc #magic #sword #fantasy #RealTimeStrategy #middleearth #lordoftherings #game #legolas #aragorn #gandalf #frodo #ranger #horse #mordor #nazgul #balrog
A new episode of the War of the Ring (2003) playthrough is up on the YouTube channel! (@carthannasvt)
In this episode, we take the fight to the bad guys!
#vtuber #gaming #lotr #warofthering #tolkien #rts #strategy #retrogaming #2000s #gimli #orc #magic #sword #fantasy #realtimestrategy #middleearth #lordoftherings #game #legolas #aragorn #gandalf #frodo #ranger #horse #siege #mordor #nazgul
#vtuber #gaming #lotr #warofthering #tolkien #rts #strategy #retrogaming #2000s #gimli #orc #magic #sword #fantasy #RealTimeStrategy #middleearth #lordoftherings #game #legolas #aragorn #gandalf #frodo #ranger #horse #siege #mordor #nazgul
A new episode of the War of the Ring (2003) playthrough is up on the YouTube channel! (@carthannasvt)
In this episode, we finally get to the battle of Helm's Deep!
#vtuber #gaming #lotr #warofthering #tolkien #rts #strategy #retrogaming #2000s #gimli #orc #magic #sword #fantasy #realtimestrategy #middleearth #lordoftherings #game #legolas #aragorn #gandalf #frodo #ranger #horse #siege #helmsdeep
#vtuber #gaming #lotr #warofthering #tolkien #rts #strategy #retrogaming #2000s #gimli #orc #magic #sword #fantasy #RealTimeStrategy #middleearth #lordoftherings #game #legolas #aragorn #gandalf #frodo #ranger #horse #siege #helmsdeep
Going live now! Porting my #Unity-based, #FantasyRTS #RealTimeStrategy game over to #Godot4 on #Twitch.
I'm excited to get all the new features of the past, er, six-plus years of #DotNet into my #GameDev work flow!
#unity #fantasyrts #RealTimeStrategy #Godot4 #twitch #dotnet #gamedev #livecoding #csharp #programming #godot #opensourced
Tonight I'll be porting my #Unity-based, #FantasyRTS #RealTimeStrategy game over to #Godot4! Catch me at about 8PM Eastern on #Twitch.
I'm excited to get all the new features of the past, er, six-plus years of #DotNet into my #GameDev work flow!
#unity #fantasyrts #RealTimeStrategy #Godot4 #twitch #dotnet #gamedev #livecoding #csharp #programming #godot #opensourced
Tonight I'll be porting my #Unity-based, #FantasyRTS #RealTimeStrategy game over to #Godot4! Catch me at about 8PM Eastern on #Twitch.
I'm excited to get all the new features of the past, er, six-plus years of #DotNet into my #GameDev work flow!
#opensource #godot #programming #csharp #livecoding #gamedev #dotnet #twitch #Godot4 #RealTimeStrategy #fantasyrts #unity
#3dModeling, #3dPrinting, and #Unity #GameDev goodness tonight on #Twitch!
I'm building a fantasy #RealTimeStrategy #game, and I need some models!
#3dmodeling #3dprinting #unity #gamedev #twitch #RealTimeStrategy #game #dotnet #programming #csharp
#LiveCoding my #Fantasy #RealTimeSTrategy #GameDevelopment! Time for me to start thinking about actual game play, goals, and unit deaths!
#livecoding #fantasy #RealTimeStrategy #gamedevelopment #dotnet #csharp #unity #unity3d
#LiveCoding my #Fantasy #RealTimeSTrategy #GameDevelopment! Come hang out while I fix all of the bugs I introduced last week!
#livecoding #fantasy #RealTimeStrategy #gamedevelopment #dotnet #unity #unity3d #programming #csharp
Going live to work on my #Fantasy, #StormlightArchives inspired #RealTimeStrategy game in #Unity! Is that enough #hashtags?
#fantasy #stormlightarchives #RealTimeStrategy #unity #hashtags #dotnet #programming #csharp #itwasntenoughhashtags
Aaaand we're back: Despite some network difficulties (due to OBS? I don't know) I'm back online and streaming my #GameDevelopment journey in #Unity! Come hang out and build a game with me!
#gamedevelopment #unity #dotnet #programming #csharp #RealTimeStrategy
Another day, another "full-time" #GameDevelopment stream! Come join me on #Twitch as I develop my #RealTimeStrategy #game!
Come for the game dev, stay for the baby talk and #crochet breaks!
#gamedevelopment #twitch #RealTimeStrategy #game #crochet #unity #unity3d #dotnet #csharp
Back to building my #fantasy #RTS game in #Unity!
#DotNet #Programming #WatchPeopleCode #CSharp #RealTimeStrategy
#fantasy #rts #unity #dotnet #programming #watchpeoplecode #csharp #RealTimeStrategy
Streaming #GameDevelopment on #Twitch! Come help me build a #RealTimeStrategy game in #Unity!
#gamedevelopment #twitch #RealTimeStrategy #unity #dotnet #csharp
The UI is really coming together. Or something!
Come hang out with me and share your #adventofcode solutions! Also, watch me build a #RealTimeStrategy or whatever it is I do on these #twitch streams!
#adventofcode #RealTimeStrategy #twitch #unity #dotnet
Going live streaming some #gamedev in #unity on #twitch! Come and hang out while I make the world's okayest #RealTimeStrategy
#gamedev #unity #twitch #RealTimeStrategy