One can use #Xvnc to set #RealVNC Viewer window size from the server side (at least initially) AND have slow (downright too lazy) window updates resulting in, e g, garbled text in a terminal emulator.
Or, use #SystemXorg to have better viewing experience with fixed window size. Then Viewer window size can be changed from whichever GUI being used (in case of xfce4-session, via "xfce4-display-settings" command).
I tested with Server & Viewer on the same host, connected to via "ssh -X".
One can use #Xvnc to set #RealVNC Viewer window size from the server side (at least initially) AND have slow (downright too lazy) window updates resulting in, e g, garbled text in a terminal emulator.
Or, use #SystemXorg to have better viewing experience with fixed window size. Then Viewer window size can be changed from whichever GUI being used (in case of xfce4-session, via "xfce4-display-settings" command).
I tested with Server & Viewer on the same host, connected to via "ssh -X".
One can use #Xvnc to set #RealVNC Viewer window size from the server side (at least initially) AND have slow (downright too lazy) window updates resulting in, e g, garbled text in a terminal emulator.
Or, use #SystemXorg to have better viewing experience with fixed window size. Then Viewer window size can be changed from whichever GUI being used (in case of xfce4-session, via "xfce4-display-settings" command).
I tested with Server & Viewer on the same host, connected to via "ssh -X".
Has anyone been successful in running a #RealVNC 7.1 daemon, on Rocky Linux 8, in "Virtual" mode ("vncserver-virutald") with shared password (Authentication=VncAuth)?
I could get:
- "#VncAuth" works only in "Service" mode, which gives too much power to anyone connected?
- limited #privileges for users connecting in "Virtual" mode with "SystemAuth".
@mastoman I've never set up #VNC from scratch, so I have limited experience in that arena.
#RealVNC works well in #Linux, and comes with #RPi so if you want something with a GUI I'd recommend that. Once you install the server software and enable port forwarding I'd imagine that you're all set but I'd look up the documentation on whatever software or client you choose, just to make sure.