Many companies, even EU-based, buy patient's #realworlddata from proprietary data providers. Many data providers, even EU-based, sell patients' data for profit. But patients often don't even get their data to be used for their own health decisions, as the data is anonymized before it is licensed out.
That's why I don't volunteer my de-identified medical records for research
Our 2023 interns with director Leena Choi in front of some of their posters after their final presentations last week. Visit the internship section of our website to learn more about this year's participants. Left to right: Terrence Smith (Talladega)), Youssef Botros (MTSU), LaShawnda Stevens (TSU), Karly Miller (TSU), Dr. Choi, and Tracy Brown (Howard). #STEM #PaidInternships #Representation #RealWorldData
#stem #paidinternships #representation #RealWorldData
Data Support Placebo Group Alternatives in Rare Disease Trials
Findings from a review of medical #data and #records indicate matched #genetic control groups may not be needed in clinical trials testing treatments for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
#News #Science #Business #ClinicalTrials #DuchenneMuscularDystrophy #Neuroscience #Neurology #ControlGroup #Placebo #Statistics #RareDisease #InheritedDisease #RealWorldData
#Data #records #genetic #News #science #business #clinicaltrials #duchennemusculardystrophy #neuroscience #neurology #controlgroup #placebo #statistics #RareDisease #inheriteddisease #RealWorldData
The National Provider Identifier Taxonomy: Does it Align With a Surgeon's Actual Clinical Practice?
The NPI taxonomy "is not accurate for describing a surgeon's subspecialty or actual practice. Caution should be taken when utilizing this variable to describe a surgeon's subspecialization as our findings might apply in other groups."
#surgery #RealWorldData #routinedata
Definition of a practical taxonomy for referencing data quality problems in healthcare databases
Classification and illustration of 53 data quality problems found in hospital databases.
#RealWorldData #RealWorldEvidence #RoutineData #EMRs #DataQuality #HealthData #DataCleaning
#RealWorldData #RealWorldEvidence #routinedata #emrs #dataquality #healthdata #datacleaning
Contribution of #RealWorldEvidence in European Medicines Agency's Regulatory Decision Making (EMA)
#RealWorldEvidence #RealWorldData
💡 Created by ANSM (French health Authority) and CNAM (French Health Insurance), EPI-PHARE carries out, pilots and coordinates pharmaco-epidemiological studies using complex and massive data from the French National Health Data System to enlighten public authorities in their decision-making.
💡 EPI-PHARE aims to produce new knowledge on the use, misuse, benefits and risks of medicines and health products in real life.
#epiverse #RealWorldData #PharmacoEpidemiolgy
My #introduction:
I repurpose observational #RealWorldData into scientific evidence for the prevention and treatment of human disease. At #CAUSALab, we often do so by explicitly emulating a #TargetTrial. Other times we analyze #RandomizedTrials.
I teach #causalinference methods at the #Harvard T.H. Chan School of #PublicHealth. My online course #CausalDiagrams and “Causal Inference" #WhatIfBook (with James Robins) are free. See my profile.
#ai #datascience #statistics #epiverse #epidemiology #WhatIfBook #causaldiagrams #publichealth #Harvard #CausalInference #RandomizedTrials #TargetTrial #CAUSALab #RealWorldData #introduction
#Introduction with #Hashtags
#Hi, I work on #ComputationalLinguistics (#CompLing): I develop models of human #LanguageLearning and #LanguageUse, and I test them on #RealWorldData. One focus of my work has been on #Lexical #Semantics, looking at how a word's #Meaning can be learnt from #Context, and indeed what kind of #MeaningRepresentation to use in the first place. This work is #Interdisciplinary, drawing on #Linguistics #PhilosophyOfLanguage #CognitiveScience #MachineLearning
#introduction #hashtags #hi #computationallinguistics #CompLing #LanguageLearning #LanguageUse #RealWorldData #Lexical #semantics #meaning #Context #meaningrepresentation #interdisciplinary #linguistics #philosophyoflanguage #cognitivescience #MachineLearning