Over my relatively short hobby career I've managed to gather quite a pile of reaper minis (other kinds too, but there is a whole bin of reaper). For a bit of a pallet cleanser I just grabbed one that I felt like would be a quick paint.
Trying out darker skin tones here, struggling a bit because there are no real sculpted lips. Also remembering why it's a good idea to prime bones even if they say you don't need to.
#MiniaturePainting #wipwednesday #ReaperMinis #ReaperMiniatures
#miniaturepainting #wipwednesday #reaperminis #ReaperMiniatures
I said it would be back, and here it is! Final pictures of this harefolk from reaper miniatures.
I was somewhat stuck on this one, served as a nice, quick, warmup back to painting after being on vacation.
#miniaturepainting #ReaperMiniatures #ttrpg #dnd
Last of the bad guys I painted to populate my demon ship. Been done for a little while but only just getting around to taking nice pictures. Imagine the luxury of a permanent photo setup!
I wanted this one to look haunted and like it had sat on the bottom of the ocean for a long time, and I'm happy with it for something I did fairly quickly!
#miniaturepainting #demonship #ReaperMiniatures
What if Amelia Earhart was on a spaceship full of ghost pirates? And she had a gun?
#demonship #wip #miniaturepainting #ReaperMiniatures
Progress (maybe?) on my metallic dragon head. Wrapping my brain around metal is proving to be a real challenge. Trying not to be discouraged - this feels closer than I've been (the right half that I've been working), but still needs a bit more. Think I may have gone too dark on some of the places facing the light.
#miniaturepainting #wip #ReaperMiniatures
Done with this manger and Jesus for my mom and mother in law! Happy with the result, even though babies are just kind of weird looking, especially with mould lines that run through the face, and Jesus in general isn't really my deal :blobhaj_mlem:
Still, I think they will like them and I have something to give them for the next few Christmases: the rest of the scene.
Shhhh, don't tell them
#miniaturepainting #manger #ReaperMiniatures #minipainting
Finally calling it a wrap on Baba Yaga! Lots of interesting challenges on her, from color choices to crowded bases (I sculpted the fence so it's going on the damn base no matter what!) to deciding what color a plucked chicken is, to trying to get a non washed out picture of ghoul skin!
Big fan of this one.
Now on to some Christmas presents.
#MiniaturePainting #ReaperMiniatures #BabaYaga #MastoArt #MiniatureSculpting
#miniaturepainting #ReaperMiniatures #BabaYaga #MastoArt #miniaturesculpting
This hasn't been a great week for miniature painting, between work, children's snow days and holiday prep stuff.
However, I managed to put a few layers of paint on Baba Yaga. I got it stuck in my mind that I was going to highlight the dress with reaper's jade green, and while it looks ok, I think it needs a mid tone.
That happens a lot, I get a specific color in my mind and just want to put it on the mini regardless of context 😅
#miniaturepainting #ReaperMiniatures #wipwednesday
Knight of the black swan, (original model Luther Baldwin by #reaperminiatures )
#ttrpg #knight #dnd #pathfinder #miniaturepainting
#ReaperMiniatures #ttrpg #knight #dnd #pathfinder #miniaturepainting
While I am not at a religious, this year I decided it would be a nice Christmas present for my mother and mother in law to start painting them both a miniature manger scene, since I think it's something that would bring them joy.
I don't believe I'll have time to fully paint both sets so I'm trying to decide what a good subset is for "year one". Just Jesus? Jesus and archway? Jesus and Mary? Jesus but as a goblin? 😂
#miniaturepainting #ReaperMiniatures #manger
For Baba Yaga, I've been mostly winging it when it comes to color selection, grabbing pots off the shelf that catch my eye, and it's finally caught up to me 😆
I wanted pale with green notes for the skin but the highlights here are waaay too bright and look off. Same problem but with the shadows on the clothing.
Going to juggle and mix some of these and see where she ends up!
#wip #minipainting #BabaYaga #ReaperMiniatures
First #WipWednesday on mastadon, here is Baba Yaga and her fence.
My first encounter with Baba Yaga was the Hellboy short comic and every subsequent thing I've read has made her more weird, intractable, and alluring. She's one of my favorites. I hope to paint a mini of her chicken footed hut at some point.
The initial plan was to green stuff sculpt the fence posts to resemble wood, but now I'm leaning towards just paint. What do you think?
#wipwednesday #wip #miniaturepainting #BabaYaga #ReaperMiniatures