Rebecca Clarke (1886 – 1979)
"Viola Music"
[Viola Sonata;
Passacaglia (on an old English tune) for viola and piano;
Lullaby for viola and piano ;
Lullaby on an Ancient Irish Tune for viola and piano;
Morpheus for viola and piano;
Chinese Puzzle for viola and piano;
I’II bid my heart be still for viola and piano;
Untitled Piece for viola and piano;
Dumka for violin, viola and piano;
Prelude, Allegro and Pastorale for viola and clarinet]
Philip Dukes – viola
Sophia Rahman – piano
Daniel Hope – violin
Robert Plane – clarinet
(Naxos 2007)
#NowListening #ClassicalMusic #music #viola #ChamberMusic #EnglishComposers #WomenComposers
#RebeccaClarke #womencomposers #englishcomposers #chambermusic #viola #music #classicalmusic #nowlistening
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Rebecca Clarke, Jonathan Rees & Kathron Sturrock:
🎵 Midsummer Moon
#nowplaying #breakfast #RebeccaClarke #jonathanrees #kathronsturrock
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Viola:TheUnsungHero
Rebecca Clarke, Barbara Buntrock & Daniel Heide:
🎵 Sonata for viola and piano (I. Impetuoso - Poco agitato)
#nowplaying #viola #RebeccaClarke #barbarabuntrock #DanielHeide
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalMixtape
Kirill Gerstein, Rebecca Clarke & Tabea Zimmermann:
🎵 Viola Sonata in E minor (2nd mvt)
#nowplaying #classicalmixtape #KirillGerstein #RebeccaClarke #TabeaZimmermann
Concert review: Esther Hoppe, Chiara Enderle Samatanga, Luisa Seraina Splett @ Winterthur-Veltheim, 2023-03-05 — Piano Trios by Mel Bonis, Dora Pejačević, Lili Boulanger, Rebecca Clarke
Photos © Rolf Kyburz, all rights reserved
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#rolfsmblog #concertreview #concert #concertphotography #mut #womencomposer #estherhoppe #chiaraenderle #luisasplett #melbonis #pejacevic #LiliBoulanger #RebeccaClarke #clarke #pianotrio #womeninmusic #chambermusic
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #AfternoonConcert
Rebecca Clarke, Philip Dukes & Sophia Rahman:
🎵 Passacaglia on an Old English Tune
#nowplaying #AfternoonConcert #RebeccaClarke #PhilipDukes #SophiaRahman
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3LunchtimeConcert
Rebecca Clarke, Rebecca Cohen & Claire Barnett-Jones:
🎵 June Twilight
#RebeccaClarke #RebeccaCohen #ClaireBarnettJones
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🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3InConcert
Rebecca Clarke, Tabea Zimmermann & Kirill Gerstein:
🎵 Sonata in E minor for viola and piano
#nowplaying #Radio3InConcert #RebeccaClarke #TabeaZimmermann #KirillGerstein
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Rebecca Clarke, Cecilia Zilliacus, Kati Raitinen & Bengt Forsberg:
🎵 Piano Trio
#RebeccaClarke #CeciliaZilliacus #KatiRaitinen #BengtForsberg
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #RebeccaClarke #CeciliaZilliacus #katiraitinen #BengtForsberg
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Rebecca Clarke, Philip Dukes & Sophia Rahman:
🎵 Morpheus
#nowplaying #breakfast #RebeccaClarke #PhilipDukes #SophiaRahman
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Rebecca Clarke, Golda Schultz & Jonathan Ware:
🎵 The Seal Man
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #RebeccaClarke #GoldaSchultz #JonathanWare
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3LunchtimeConcert
Rebecca Clarke, Timothy Ridout & James Baillieu:
🎵 Viola Sonata in E minor
#nowplaying #Radio3LunchtimeConcert #RebeccaClarke #TimothyRidout #JamesBaillieu
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Kirill Gerstein, Rebecca Clarke & Tabea Zimmermann:
🎵 Viola Sonata in E minor (2nd mvt)
#nowplaying #breakfast #KirillGerstein #RebeccaClarke #TabeaZimmermann
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Rebecca Clarke, Lise Berthaud & Xénia Maliarevitch:
🎵 Viola Sonata in E minor
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #RebeccaClarke #LiseBerthaud #xeniamaliarevitch
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Rebecca Clarke, Philip Dukes & Sophia Rahman:
🎵 Morpheus
#RebeccaClarke #PhilipDukes #SophiaRahman
#nowplaying #breakfast #RebeccaClarke #PhilipDukes #SophiaRahman #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalFix
Rebecca Clarke, Vinciane Béranger & David Louwerse:
🎵 Two Pieces for Viola & Cello - I. Lullaby
#RebeccaClarke #VincianeBéranger #DavidLouwerse
#nowplaying #ClassicalFix #RebeccaClarke #vincianeberanger #davidlouwerse #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Rebecca Clarke, Philip Dukes & Sophia Rahman:
🎵 Morpheus
#RebeccaClarke #PhilipDukes #SophiaRahman
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #RebeccaClarke #PhilipDukes #SophiaRahman #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3LunchtimeConcert
Rebecca Clarke, Natalie Clein & Christian Ihle Hadland:
🎵 Viola Sonata
#RebeccaClarke #NatalieClein #ChristianIhleHadland
#nowplaying #Radio3LunchtimeConcert #RebeccaClarke #NatalieClein #ChristianIhleHadland #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Rebecca Clarke, Pamela Frame & Barry Snyder:
🎵 Viola Sonata (1st mvt)
#RebeccaClarke #PamelaFrame #BarrySnyder
#nowplaying #breakfast #RebeccaClarke #PamelaFrame #BarrySnyder #BBC3MusicBot
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalFix
Rebecca Clarke, Philip Dukes & Sophia Rahman:
🎵 Chinese Puzzle
#nowplaying #ClassicalFix #RebeccaClarke #PhilipDukes #SophiaRahman