BF: "Hey, what was that game called I used to play? That space trucker game?"
me: "Damn.. Wasn't it something with 'Space'..?
It's Rebel Galaxy.. We jokingly always called it 'Space Trucker' cause the music sounds very much like it..
#games #RebelGalaxy #PCGame #brainfart
Rebel Galaxy returns as Epic Games Store’s freebie this week - #DoubleDamageGames #FreePCGames #RebelGalaxy #EpicGames #Indie
#doubledamagegames #freepcgames #RebelGalaxy #epicgames #indie
Rebel Galaxy returns as Epic Games Store’s freebie this week - #DoubleDamageGames #EpicGamesStore #Yooka-Laylee #VoidBastards #FreePCGames #RebelGalaxy #Indie
#doubledamagegames #epicgamesstore #Yooka #VoidBastards #freepcgames #RebelGalaxy #indie