Tuesday, October 26th.
In #Alaska there's a #RecallElection for Meg Zaletel in Anchorage Assembly District 4.
#NewHampshire has a #SpecialElection for State House of Representatives District Cheshire 9
If you're voting in Alaska, you also have the option to vote early for the Nov 2 election! Unfortunately, New Hampshire does not yet have #EarlyVoting in place, so you'll have to make a second trip next week.
#ElectionsCalendar #alaska #RecallElection #newhampshire #SpecialElection #EarlyVoting #LocalElectionsMatter
Tuesday, September 21st
Annapolis #Maryland has a municipal #PrimaryElection this week.
Clayton County, #Georgia BoE Dist 8 #SpecialElection
#NewHampshire School District #PrimaryElection
Somerset, #Wisconsin School District #RecallElection
Most of this week's elections are for various School Boards. These local elections are sadly often overlooked, yet have a massive impact on our futures.
School Boards decide everything from budgets& taxes, mask mandates, transportation, distance learning, and curriculum.
Your school, your vote -it matters.
#maryland #PrimaryElection #Georgia #SpecialElection #newhampshire #Wisconsin #RecallElection #ElectionsCalendar
Tuesday, August 24th
This week we have two Municipal Elections -one in Birmingham #Alabama and a Municipal #PrimaryElection in St. Petersburg #Florida
Paradise, #Montana is holding a #RecallElection seeking to remove two of the five members of the Sanders County Sewer District at Paradise Board.
Make sure you know your candidates, make sure you know the reasons for Recall Elections. Get informed, get involved and #Vote
#ElectionsCalendar #alabama #PrimaryElection #Florida #montana #RecallElection #Vote #LocalElectionsMatter
This Tuesday, July 27
Newton Falls, #Ohio has a #RecallElection in City Council Ward 4.
A #PrimaryElection is on the ballot in #Tenesee House of Representatives District 29.
Finally, a General Runoff Election in #Texas District 6.
It's vitally important to get involved with EVERY election in your area. Don't just sit back and wait for November!
#ElectionsCalendar #LocalElectionsMatter #Ohio #RecallElection #PrimaryElection #Tenesee #Texas
This Tuesday, July 20th
Only one election on the calendar this week. Westminster, #Colorado is holding a #RecallElection for Westminster City Councillor Voelz
I've seen quite a few recall elections lately, make sure you know the issues at the heart of the recall! From water rates and infrastructure management to mask mandates and pandemic emergency orders, from aiding insurrectionists to alleged abuses of power.
These recalls matter. Some are justified, some are frivolous wastes of taxpayers money. It's up to YOU to decide in these recall elections. Are the people elected to work for the will and interest of the people in your community doing their job or pursuing their own agendas?
Your vote is your voice. Use it! #EveryElectionMatters
#ElectionsCalendar #LocalElectionsMatter #colorado #RecallElection #EveryElectionMatters