#EUStateAid #RRF Commission 🇪🇺 approves €89.5 million Italian 🇮🇹 measure under #Recovery and #Resilience Facility to support 3Sun's solar panel ☀️🌱 plant expansion 👇
🔗➡️https://europa.eu/!TtJWQB https://t.co/tWUje6jf3f
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Competition/status/1682021633324904449
#EUStateAid #RRF #Recovery #resilience
10 July from 19.00 @EP_Budgets & @EP_Economics
focus on implementation of national #recovery plans & #REPowerEU during debate with @VDombrovskis
all info ⬇️⬇️⬇️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Economics/status/1678351228126806017
RT EU Competition
#EUStateAid #RRF Commission 🇪🇺 approves €350 million Spanish 🇪🇸scheme under #Recovery and #Resilience Facility for developing electricity 💡storage facilities 👇
🔗➡️https://europa.eu/!34xJNn https://t.co/urTPKDc68f
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Competition/status/1677290128081862659
#EUStateAid #RRF #Recovery #resilience
12 Tipps, wie Unternehmen und Privatpersonen sich vor Cyberangriffen schützen können
#Backup #Cybersicherheit #HumanFirewall #ITSecurity #Malware #MultiFaktorAuthentifizierung #Recovery #Security #Sicherheitsbewusstsein #Sicherheitsverfahren @veeam_de
#backup #cybersicherheit #humanfirewall #itsecurity #malware #multifaktorauthentifizierung #Recovery #security #sicherheitsbewusstsein #sicherheitsverfahren
For the latest EU policy developments in the areas of #biodiversity, check out the 2023 #EUGreenWeek conference, starting today. Its free, and you can attend either in-person or online! 👉 http://green-week.event.europa.eu/
#EUBiodiversity #wildfire #research #animals #recovery @EU_ENV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ERC_Research/status/1664912348497481729
#biodiversity #EUGreenWeek #EUBiodiversity #wildfire #research #animals #Recovery
Am 1. Mai endete die Frist zur Umsetzung des #ITSicherheitsgesetz 2.0 bezüglich der Implementierung von Systemen zur #Angriffserkennung (SZA). Viele #KRITIS-Betreiber stehen unter Zugwang.
Ein Statement von Marc Ahlgrim, Veritas
#Backup Veritas Technologies LLC #Recovery #Cyberangriff #Sicherheitsgesetz #ITSicherheit #ITSecurity #Cybersecurity #Cybersicherheit #Identity #SIG20 #Cybersicherheit #kritischeInfrastruktur #Security
#itsicherheitsgesetz #angriffserkennung #kritis #backup #Recovery #cyberangriff #Sicherheitsgesetz #itsicherheit #itsecurity #cybersecurity #cybersicherheit #identity #sig20 #kritischeInfrastruktur #security
🇺🇦Thank you to everyone who joined our event with @WWFCEE and @BaselInstitute on #Ukraine’s sustainable post-war #recovery last Friday in Berlin. ➡️Keep an eye on our website for more pictures and all further information: https://violavoncramon.eu/veranstaltungen/inhalt/wwf_ua_0523/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1663599929313329168
🇺🇦 #Ukraine is facing a triple challenge: post-war #recovery, #climatechange & #natureloss.
Join our workshop on May 26th (10 am - 1pm) in Berlin, with @WWFCEE & @BaselInstitute and learn more about how #goodgovernance will help Ukraine to succeed.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1658869697075376129
#Ukraine #Recovery #ClimateChange #NatureLoss #GoodGovernance
È assolutamente paradossale e contraria a ogni principio alla base del #Recovery la decisione della #CommissioneEuropea di lasciare agli #StatiMembri la facoltà di reindirizzare i fondi di #Coesione e del #Pnrr all’industria della #difesa.
Così arricchiamo le #lobby della guerra
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PediciniEu/status/1654097490528878592
#Recovery #commissioneeuropea #StatiMembri #coesione #PNRR #difesa #lobby
"Repaying the recovery plan: #EUbudget 2024 under pressure"
➡️MEPs adopt draft resolution warning about the impact of rising #recovery borrowing costs on next year’s EU budget, putting flagship EU programmes at risk - PRESS RELEASE: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230424IPR82035/repaying-the-recovery-plan-eu-budget-2024-under-pressure
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Budgets/status/1651224411846983683
One requirement to get EU recovery funds is transparent plan crafted in an inclusive process— the Orban government has none of that, but went from requesting no loans to all the loans to some loans in a matter of months. Shows how utterly incapable they are to secure these funds.
RT @eublogo: #Hungary asked €6,6 billion loan support from the #EU #recovery facility, according to the recent communication of the @EU_Commission In January, the government decided tha…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/katka_cseh/status/1649755568712630273
Next week in @EP_Budgets (26-27 April):
🗳️Impact on the #EUbudget of increasing #recovery plan costs
🗳️EU Financial Regulation
🎙️Hearing: Financial impact of the war in #Ukraine
🎙️Debates: EU financial landscape and breaches of the #RuleOfLaw
All info: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230421IPR81710/committee-on-budgets-highlights-26-27-april
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Budgets/status/1649382753262084097
#EUbudget #Recovery #Ukraine #ruleoflaw
From 19:45: Livestream https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/webstreaming/econ-budg-committee-meeting_20230417-1945-COMMITTEE-BUDG-ECON
RT @EP_Economics: 17 April from 19.45 @EP_Economics& @EP_Budgets
Scrutinizing national #recovery plans & #REPowerEU: debate with @VDombrovskis @PaoloGentiloni
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Budgets/status/1648007937518960641
Starting soon 19:00! Follow LIVE: https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/webstreaming/budg-committee-meeting_20230417-1900-COMMITTEE-BUDG
RT @EP_Budgets: ⚠️On tonight's BUDG agenda:
🗳️#OwnResources resolution
🗳️EU support for 303 displaced workers in 🇪🇸
🎙️Heavy impact on #EUbudget of increasing borrowing costs for #recovery fund
🎙️Quizzing @VDombrovskis and @PaoloGentiloni on recovery and resilience facility (with @EP_Economics)
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Budgets/status/1648007487017066511
#OwnResources #EUbudget #Recovery
⚠️On tonight's BUDG agenda:
🗳️#OwnResources resolution
🗳️EU support for 303 displaced workers in 🇪🇸
🎙️Heavy impact on #EUbudget of increasing borrowing costs for #recovery fund
🎙️Quizzing @VDombrovskis and @PaoloGentiloni on recovery and resilience facility (with @EP_Economics)
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Budgets/status/1647866226067099651
#OwnResources #EUbudget #Recovery
17 April from 19.45 @EP_Economics& @EP_Budgets
Scrutinizing national #recovery plans & #REPowerEU: debate with @VDombrovskis @PaoloGentiloni
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Economics/status/1647986411268628481
#EUStateAid #RRF Commission 🇪🇺 approves €16 million Lithuanian 🇱🇹 scheme under the #Recovery and #Resilience Facility to support restoration of wetlands
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Competition/status/1641387995226861570
#EUStateAid #RRF #Recovery #resilience
#EUStateAid Commission 🇪🇺 approves €103 million Romanian 🇷🇴scheme under the #Recovery and #Resilience Facility #RRF to support construction of electricity⚡️storage facilities
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Competition/status/1638143446476046336
#EUStateAid #Recovery #resilience #RRF
Hallo! Suche kurzfristig DolmetscherIn, die eine Ukrainische Delegation von Landwirten in der Region Wendland/Lüneburg begleiten kann. Geht um Landwirtschaft/Nachhaltigkeit/Erneuerbare/EU Regeln
Wer kann weiterhelfen?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RebHarms/status/1635583188121579523
RT @HartmanRadova: 2️⃣days full of inspiring debates on #CircularEconomy with focus on #recovery, #OpenStrategicAutonomy, #resilience🫶🏻🥳
I stressed that first of all we need to improve #regulatory & #business environment in EU to be globally #competitive place attracting necessary #investment!🙏🏻🍀
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/employers_EESC/status/1631257292472479745
#CircularEconomy #Recovery #openstrategicautonomy #resilience #Regulatory #business #competitive #investment