RT @peterteffer: Today MEP @papadimoulis has been waiting four months for the European Commission to answer questions about the #RecoveryFiles revelations published in @FTM_eu and @reporters_gr about consultancies profiting handsomely from the Recovery and Resilience Facility. Still no answers.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/papadimoulis/status/1630550574713253889
RT @RedaktionZack
Bei den Verhandlungen des milliardenschweren Corona-Aufbauplans der EU inszenierte sich die Kurz-Regierung als Teil der „frugalen Vier“ – um später die eigenen Kriterien zu untergraben. Gemeinsame Recherche mit internationalen Partnern. #recoveryfiles https://zackzack.at/?p=198847
RT @LiseWitteman: The Recovery Fund: hard cash for easy promises #recoveryfiles
https://www.ftm.eu/articles/the-recovery-files-milestones?utm_source=nieuwsbrief&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CoronaFondsEU&share=VazIMFs1tZet9%2FYy3nEM3U3A1cDZGf5fevVNlGLKdu0aaRQWz%2BbOGLtYWbTEvP4%3D @ftm_eu @peterteffer
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BasEickhout/status/1618132682495651841
België krijgt 4,5 miljard euro uit het Europese #coronaherstelfonds. Maar net als andere lidstaten lijkt België onder de noemer ‘relance’ oude wijn in nieuwe vaten te verkopen.
Dat toont onderzoek van Apache en De Tijd met #RecoveryFiles van @FTM_eu.
#RecoveryFiles #coronaherstelfonds
Nederland had graag gezien dat lidstaten in ruil voor geld uit het coronaherstelfonds nieuwe hervormingen zouden beloven. En toen Nederland deed precies wat het niet wilden toestaan: bestaande maatregelen met herstelfondsgeld financieren. #RecoveryFiles
A team of EU journalists led by @FTM_eu has investigated member state reforms needed for the recovery fund billions. Some countries repackaged old promises. Others bragged about introducing measures they were legally required to take anyway.#RecoveryFiles https://www.ftm.eu/articles/the-recovery-files-milestones
A few weeks ago I reported for @FTM_eu that EU countries finally agreed to reveal recipients of the 700bn recovery fund. The final legal text was still being fine-tuned at the time, but it has now been published. #RecoveryFiles #REPowerEU https://www.ftm.eu/articles/eu-countries-agree-to-reveal-winners-of-rff?utm_campaign=Peter-Teffer&utm_source=article&utm_medium=link&share=JfcOMDk7u%2BuARjlLkueXZxAL6ulIM%2FO61NcSxy3GPxZNZyFGqpXr%2FCo3ulVY8Sk%3D
RT @reporters_gr@twitter.com
9️⃣ Η διασυνοριακή έρευνα #RecoveryFiles αποκάλυψε ότι η PwC συμμετείχε ως σύμβουλος της 🇬🇷 κυβέρνησης στο Σχέδιο Ανάκαμψης & μετά βρέθηκε ανάδοχος στην κοινοπραξία στην οποία η κυβέρνηση έδωσε το 1ο έργο Πληροφορικής του Ταμείου Ανάκαμψης.
✍️ @janinel83@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/reporters_gr/status/1608756635950010369
All member states voted in favour of approving the Hungarian recovery and resilience plan last week, except for the Netherlands which abstained. https://www.asktheeu.org/en/request/written_procedure #RecoveryFiles
EU Parliament initially wanted to have the data of all RRF recipients published, but settled for the top 100 per member state. MEP @dragos_pislaru: 'Why only 100? Because it is a negotiation.' https://www.ftm.eu/articles/eu-countries-agree-to-reveal-winners-of-rff?share=ccXTL02cbLzxrVYIfIpwm5JVeh6VPQA57oew4Yjjvc9qqrsPe7HtEEMkEFfndLU=&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Peter-Teffer&utm_source=twitter #RecoveryFiles @FTM_eu
EU-landen eindelijk bereid grootste ontvangers van miljardenfonds RRF te onthullen https://www.ftm.nl/artikelen/eu-landen-bereid-grootste-ontvangers-coronaherstelfonds-openbaren?share=Vi9LR1NhVfE/ZQsk6078fdPRCj9iGm00IxbKiqpjSuJ7WoQqcCtkMOjUTq31xlg=&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Peter-Teffer&utm_source=twitter #RecoveryFiles @FTM_nl
Here is MEP @dragos_pislaru answering my questions about the new transparency requirements regarding the EU recovery fund. #RecoveryFiles
BREAKING #RecoveryFiles news: EU Member States have agreed to publish the top 100 recipients of RRF money per country. https://www.ftm.eu/articles/eu-countries-agree-to-reveal-winners-of-rff
For more than a year, the journalists of the @FTM_nl-led #RecoveryFiles investigation have tried to find out who benefits from the EU's post-pandemic recovery fund. This morning, MEPs managed to convince EU governments to publish at least the top-100 recipients in each country. https://www.ftm.eu/recoveryfiles
RT @peterteffer: The @EUombudsman has slammed the European Commission’s decision to withhold documents from @StaffaniDK on recovery fund negotiations with the Swedish and Danish authorities. New @FTM_eu article, part of the #RecoveryFiles. https://www.ftm.eu/articles/eu-ombudsman-commission-failed-to-give-reasons-for-secrecy-on-recovery-plans?share=DUKlnQi9MDX90zSbeLEf32vWFNl+0ofnpTjJpeNs5pSczQdeKU1nTOLjNf0sfNA=&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Peter-Teffer&utm_source=twitter
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/daniel_freund/status/1598257123301167106
The @EUombudsman has slammed the European Commission’s decision to withhold documents from @StaffaniDK on recovery fund negotiations with the Swedish and Danish authorities. New @FTM_eu article, part of the #RecoveryFiles. https://www.ftm.eu/articles/eu-ombudsman-commission-failed-to-give-reasons-for-secrecy-on-recovery-plans?share=DUKlnQi9MDX90zSbeLEf32vWFNl+0ofnpTjJpeNs5pSczQdeKU1nTOLjNf0sfNA=&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Peter-Teffer&utm_source=twitter
The @EUombudsman has slammed the European Commission’s decision to withhold documents from @StaffaniDK on recovery fund negotiations with the Swedish and Danish authorities. New @FTM_eu article, part of the #RecoveryFiles. https://www.ftm.eu/articles/eu-ombudsman-commission-failed-to-give-reasons-for-secrecy-on-recovery-plans?share=DUKlnQi9MDX90zSbeLEf32vWFNl+0ofnpTjJpeNs5pSczQdeKU1nTOLjNf0sfNA=&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Peter-Teffer&utm_source=twitter
De Europese Ombudsman heeft flinke kritiek op het besluit van de Commissie om documenten over gesprekken over het coronaherstelfonds met de Zweedse en Deense overheid geheim te houden. Nieuw @FTM_nl-artikel in het dossier #RecoveryFiles, met @StaffaniDK. https://www.ftm.nl/artikelen/brussel-gaf-vage-redenen-voor-weigeren-toegang-tot-herstelfondsdocumenten?share=fScrQJdVR6YUypIOZHECZrPP3vXCFPgc0lEUyhma0K8ZU74jfvGR3diOzMxmSps=&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Peter-Teffer&utm_source=twitter
Damir Gojsic (@CEPS_thinktank) gives some inspiration by presenting a study on beneficiaries from CAP and cohesion funds. #RecoveryFiles
Day 2 of the #RecoveryFiles: how do we find the ultimate beneficiaries of the EU’s recovery and resilience facility? An enormous task led by our data expert @naberacka.