RT @vonderleyen: We can never match the sacrifices Ukrainians are making every day.
But we can stand with them and provide what they need – for relief, fast rehabilitation and reconstruction.
This is why we are gathered here today at the #RecoveryOfUkraine conference ↓
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AnnaMariaCB/status/1599451707351736322
"Ukrajna bátor népének széles körű támogatása határozott kijelentés arról, hogy a világ szabad és demokratikus nemzetei összefognak.
Ukrajna oldalán fogunk állni, ameddig csak kell."
— Ursula @vonderleyen elnök beszéde a #RecoveryofUkraine konferencián
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EC_Budapest/status/1584916952912478211
Za Olenu, ponovna izgradnja Ukrajine donosi bolju budućnost sljedećoj generaciji Ukrajinaca.
#StandWithUkraine https://europa.eu/!YqwWBc
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1592208237968781314
#RecoveryOfUkraine #StandWithUkraine
Oleksandru, gradonačelniku Irpina, obnova Ukrajine pruža jedinstvenu priliku za modernizaciju zemlje i njezino usmjeravanje prema pristupanju EU-u.
#StandWithUkraine https://europa.eu/!YqwWBc
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1590265644809084928
#RecoveryOfUkraine #StandWithUkraine
Anastasia je ukrajinska izbjeglica koja je pobjegla iz zemlje kako bi pronašla utočište od ruskih bombi u Bukureštu, gdje je učiteljica. #RecoveryOfUkraine
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1589905575877410818
#RecoveryOfUkraine #StandWithUkraine
Mariana, ukrajinska djevojčica koja živi u Poljskoj, vjeruje da će obnova Ukrajine biti korisna za ukrajinski narod.
#StandWithUkraine: https://europa.eu/!YqwWBc
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1589301584948781062
#StandWithUkraine #RecoveryOfUkraine
RT @EU_Commission: Ukrainians need relief, fast rehabilitation and reconstruction for their daily survival.
For this, we need all hands on deck – with international institutions, the private sector and civil society all playing a crucial role.
Read more about the #RecoveryOfUkraine conference ⬇️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UE_Luxembourg/status/1586395927295987713
RT @vonderleyen: Ukraine has everything it takes for a successful reconstruction:
• determination
• a vibrant civil society
• an impressively resilient economic base
• many friends around the globe
My first key takeaways from today’s discussions ↓ https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1mnxeRbRQeYKX
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EuroopaKomisjon/status/1585182383363747841
RT @EU_Commission: Ukrainians need relief, fast rehabilitation and reconstruction for their daily survival.
For this, we need all hands on deck – with international institutions, the private sector and civil society all playing a crucial role.
Read more about the #RecoveryOfUkraine conference ⬇️
Los ucranianos necesitan ayuda, rehabilitación rápida y reconstrucción para su supervivencia diaria.
Para esto, necesitamos todas las manos a la obra, con instituciones internacionales, el sector privado y la sociedad civil jugando un papel crucial.
#RecoveryOfUkraine ⬇️
RT @EU_Commission: Ukrainians need relief, fast rehabilitation and reconstruction for their daily survival.
For this, we need all hands on deck – with internati…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1586479577475555329
RT @EU_Commission: Ukrainians need relief, fast rehabilitation and reconstruction for their daily survival.
For this, we need all hands on deck – with international institutions, the private sector and civil society all playing a crucial role.
Read more about the #RecoveryOfUkraine conference ⬇️
Ukrainians need relief, fast rehabilitation and reconstruction for their daily survival.
For this, we need all hands on deck – with international institutions, the private sector and civil society all playing a crucial role.
Read more about the #RecoveryOfUkraine conference ⬇️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_Commission/status/1586266589552291840
🇺🇦 She is Olena, a factory worker.
Rebuilding Ukraine means offer a better future to next generation of Ukrainians.
More details: https://europa.eu/!t3QmTt #RecoveryOfUkraine #EUSolidarityWithUkraine
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUHomeAffairs/status/1586007618551939074
#RecoveryOfUkraine #EUSolidarityWithUkraine
RT @EUHomeAffairs: 🇺🇦 She is Olena, a factory worker.
Rebuilding Ukraine means offer a better future to next generation of Ukrainians.
More details: https://eu-solidarity-ukraine.ec.europa.eu/eu-assistance-ukraine/reconstruction-ukraine_en #RecoveryOfUkraine #EUSolidarityWithUkraine
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/YlvaJohansson/status/1586011055888961536
#RecoveryOfUkraine #EUSolidarityWithUkraine
RT @vonderleyen: Ukraine has everything it takes for a successful reconstruction:
• determination
• a vibrant civil society
• an impressively resilient economic base
• many friends around the globe
My first key takeaways from today’s discussions ↓ https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1mnxeRbRQeYKX
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1584941149675847680
#RebuildUkraine | Reconstruir un país es difícil; pero no imposible. Ucrania resurgirá de las cenizas y continuará su camino hacia la #UE. 🇪🇺🇺🇦
Con la Conferencia #RecoveryOfUkraine seguimos apoyando la reconstrucción de Ucrania. #EstamosConUcrania
#rebuildukraine #UE #RecoveryOfUkraine #EstamosConUcrania
RT @vonderleyen: Ukraine has everything it takes for a successful reconstruction:
• determination
• a vibrant civil society
• an impressively resilient economic base
• many friends around the globe
My first key takeaways from today’s discussions ↓ https://nitter.eu/i/broadcasts/1mnxeRbRQeYKX
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EC_AVService/status/1584938681881989125
La conférence pour la reconstruction de l'Ukraine 🇺🇦 est l'affirmation que les nations libres & démocratiques de ce monde sont solidaires, et qu'elles défendent leurs valeurs.
La déclaration de @vonderleyen à l'occasion de la conférence internationale #RecoveryOfUkraine ↓
La Russie prend pour cibles les infrastructures civiles, en particulier énergétiques.
Nous travaillons avec l'Ukraine 🇺🇦 afin de réparer au plus vite ces infrastructures, grâce à 1 milliard € d'aide d'urgence 🤝
#StandWithUkraine #RecoveryOfUkraine
#StandWithUkraine #RecoveryOfUkraine
Local & regional leaders are
1) supporting Ukrainian counterparts in the EU accession process by empowering local/region level;
2) committed to help in the sustainable reconstruction and transformation of Ukrainian cities and key infrastructure @Dulkiewicz_A #RecoveryOfUkraine
RT @vonderleyen: We can never match the sacrifices Ukrainians are making every day.
But we can stand with them and provide what they need – for relief, fast …