A Cycle-Accurate Sega Genesis with FPGA - The Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is a powerful tool that is becoming more ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/04/a-cycle-accurate-sega-genesis-with-fpga/ #retrocomputing #recreation #megadrive #decapped #genesis #verilog #fpga #sega
#sega #fpga #verilog #genesis #decapped #megadrive #Recreation #retrocomputing
An Open-Source Antikythera Mechanism - When the Antikythera Mechanism was first discovered, it wasn’t viewed as the wonde... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/11/an-open-source-antikythera-mechanism/ #3dprinterhacks #antikythera #lasercutter #recreation #3dprinter #replica
#replica #3dprinter #Recreation #lasercutter #antikythera #3dprinterhacks
Recreating the ZX Spectrum Unboxing Experience By Manufacturing a New Boxed One - Why scour the internet for a rare-as-hen’s-teeth new in box ZX Spectrum computer w... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/26/recreating-the-zx-spectrum-unboxing-experience-by-manufacturing-a-new-boxed-one/ #retrocomputing #recreation #zxspectrum
#zxspectrum #Recreation #retrocomputing
Retro Computer Enclosure Without the Sacrifice - The unique look of early desktop computer systems remains popular with a certain s... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/30/retro-computer-enclosure-without-the-sacrifice/ #3dprintedenclosure #classiccomputer #classichacks #recreation #cyberdeck #parts #retro
#retro #parts #cyberdeck #Recreation #classichacks #classiccomputer #3dprintedenclosure
New Commodore VIC-20 Build - In a recent episode of [The Retro Shack], a new Commodore VIC-20 is built, using a... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/25/new-commodore-vic-20-build/ #retrocomputing #commodorevic #recreation #vic-20
#vic #Recreation #commodorevic #retrocomputing
Peer-Reviewed Continuity Tester - One of the core features of the scientific community is the concept of “peer revie... - https://hackaday.com/2022/09/30/peer-reviewed-continuity-tester/ #3dprinting #continuity #multimeter #peerreview #recreation #toolhacks #testing #meter #tools
#tools #meter #testing #toolhacks #Recreation #peerreview #multimeter #continuity #3dprinting