About to spend an afternoon on the Union Closed Sets Conjecture.
Anyone else?
#math #RecreationalMathematics #unionclosed #unionclosedconjecture
#math #RecreationalMathematics #unionclosed #unionclosedconjecture
The #Distance Between #Numbers - #Numberphile
#Math #Maths #Mathematics #Numbers #2Adic #2AdicMetric #RationalNumbers #RealNumbers #Limit #Infinity #Converge #Convergence #Diverge #Divergence #RecreationalMaths #RecreationalMathematics
#RecreationalMathematics #recreationalmaths #divergence #diverge #convergence #converge #infinity #limit #RealNumbers #rationalnumbers #2adicmetric #2adic #mathematics #maths #math #numberphile #numbers #distance
Go First #Dice - #Numberphile
#Math #Maths #Mathematics #Numbers #Gaming #Fairness #RecreationalMaths #RecreationalMathematics #Probability
#probability #RecreationalMathematics #recreationalmaths #fairness #gaming #numbers #mathematics #maths #math #numberphile #dice
New updated #introduction:
I've been on the fediverse for multiple years at this point. I write software for a living and am one of the few people who desperately holds onto personal programming projects to ensure that The Industry doesn't make me hate my craft.
I use software as an avenue for #RecreationalMathematics, and I'm currently working on a library that will help me create colour palettes that degrade well under multiple forms of colour blindness.
I also play a lot of #IndieGames and have a #GameDev project that I work on once every few weeks; it's a block-pushing puzzle game about picking locks.
I'm also working on writing up a blog series about running a multi-purpose server, where I'll be talking about how you can run things on an ordinary #Linux server instead of a hyperscaled container swarm in multiple clouds. But I'll still make one of those if you hire me, I guess.
Most of my code is written in #RustLang and I have contributed a lot to the standard library. I even wrote a few RFCs, one of which even got accepted! (#[non_exhaustive]
is my fault, for better or worse.)
I also have a side account where I post silly out of context quotes, @ltht, that you should totally follow too.
#introduction #RecreationalMathematics #indiegames #gamedev #linux #rustlang
As someone who was always scared by #maths in school, learning on my own, at my own pace, even at a superficial level, has been so liberating 🖤🥺. Been into #infinity related maths lately & 'A Trip to Infinity' doc is an awesome watch:
#maths #infinity #RecreationalMathematics #newbie
Mathematical Games And Pastimes (Popular Lectures In Mathematics Vol 10) by A. P. Domoryad
#mirtitles #books #math #maths #mathematics #recreationalmathematics
#RecreationalMathematics #mathematics #maths #math #books #mirtitles