Today is the 175th anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto. In 2020, the International Union of Left Publishers, launched the call for #RedBooksDay to celebrate "left books, their authors, and the people's movements they ushered forward."
"Facing the rise of the far right and the proliferation and diversity of its attacks against our writers, our thinkers, our spaces, and our people; and facing the suffocation of the publishing industry by global capitalist markets, we founded our network on Red Books Day 2020 to launch a counteroffensive in the battle of ideas. Our weapons are left books that amplify the voices of ordinary people, and a strong network of comrades across all continents who are committed to an active practice of internationalist collaboration as we defend the ideas of the people across the world. These ideas, which represent the agenda of the vast majority of humanity, are a direct threat to the hegemony of global capitalism and imperialism. The right-wing forces, along with their ruling class backers, will continue to launch physical and ideological attacks in order to repress them."
Read here the open letter by the International Union of Left Publishers:
RT @manolo_realengo
My favorite holiday of the year, when millions of comrades around the world gather to raise the red flag & read together on the anniversary of the Communist Manifesto’s publication (175 years today!) #RedBooksDay #DiaDeLosLibrosRojos
#diadeloslibrosrojos #RedBooksDay
SALVARE LA VITA COLLETTIVA LEGGENDO UN LIBRO ROSSO #assembleainternazionaledeipopoli #ManifestodelPartitoComunista #NewsletterTricontinental #CasadelasAmericas #tricontinental #ArteeCultura #RedBooksDay #Estero #News #cuba #Marx
#Marx #Cuba #news #estero #RedBooksDay #ArteeCultura #tricontinental #CasadelasAmericas #NewsletterTricontinental #ManifestodelPartitoComunista #assembleainternazionaledeipopoli
QUALE LIBRO ROSSO LEGGERAI QUEST’ANNO PER IL RED BOOKS DAY? #assembleainternazionaledeipopoli #ManifestodelPartitoComunista #GiornatadelLibroRosso #tricontinental #RedBooksDay #Estero #News
#news #estero #RedBooksDay #tricontinental #GiornatadelLibroRosso #ManifestodelPartitoComunista #assembleainternazionaledeipopoli
Quando Lenin andò a ballare sulla neve #Rivoluzioned'Ottobre #ErnestoCheGuevara #ComunediParigi #tricontinental #LouiseMichel #RedBooksDay #Mariátegui #Estero #Lenin #libri #News
#news #libri #lenin #estero #Mariátegui #RedBooksDay #LouiseMichel #tricontinental #comunediparigi #ErnestoCheGuevara #Rivoluzioned
பேராசான் ஏங்கெல்ஸ் அவர்களின் 200ம் ஆண்டு பிறந்தநாளை முன்னிட்டு "கற்பனாவாத சோசலிசமும் விஞ்ஞான சோசலிசமும்" புத்தக அறிமுகம் தோழர் ஜி.ராமகிருஷ்ணன் #எங்கெல்ஸ்200 #சிவப்புபுத்தகதினம் #RedBooksDay
#எங்கெல்ஸ்200 #சிவப்புபுத்தகதினம் #RedBooksDay
எங்கெல்ஸ் 200: இணைய வழி தொடர் உரைகள் - நிகழ்ச்சி நிரல்
பங்கேற்பீர், பரப்புவீர் ... #RedBooksDay
எத்தனை உண்மை! கம்யூனிஸ்ட் அறிக்கையிலிருந்து. #RedBooksDay #CommunistManifesto #Feb21
#Feb21 #CommunistManifesto #RedBooksDay