It’s D-Day In The State Of #Tennessee - #GOP #Republican #RINO Tennessee Governor #BillLee has called a special session of the Tennessee legislature to persuade them to pass a horribly egregious #Fascist #Nazi #Communist #RedFlag #gunconfiscation law. Bill Lee is not a #conservative; he is not a #constitutionalist;
#2a #gunrights #2ashallnotbeinfringed
#TennesseeGovernor, #SpecialSession, #GunConfiscationLaw, #ConservativeLeadership, #GunRightsAdvocacy
#tennessee #GOP #republican #RINO #BillLee #fascist #Nazi #communist #RedFlag #gunconfiscation #Conservative #constitutionalist #2A #gunrights #2ashallnotbeinfringed #TennesseeGovernor #SpecialSession #GunConfiscationLaw #conservativeleadership #GunRightsAdvocacy
I don't know many more times I can facepalm at the hands of Logan this season.
The survivors of the Honduran family horrifically targeted by an #ammosexual psychopath, who was a known #RedFlag by the San Jacinto County Sheriff, should do what the family of Holly Barlow-Austin did in Bowie County, #Texas ⬇️; sue the crap outta the county, the gun dealer with blood on his hands, and the manufacturer of the #AR15 so loved 🥰 by #DarkMAGA cult member #FranciscoOropeza. 💰 👉 🗳️
#ammosexual #RedFlag #texas #ar15 #DarkMAGA #franciscooropeza
#MichiganSenate passes 11 #redflag #gunsafety bills to restrict #SecondAmendment rights of state residents
#secondamendment #gunsafety #RedFlag #MichiganSenate
@dellawren ": Does it give me personal power and control within myself or does it put my power outside of me and create limitations, excuses, or reasons why not?'" While a certain soteriological honesty is healthy, the dangers here are possible narcisstic pathologies, (particularly in sales-based discourses). #redflag
Auch schon mal Begriffe wie #RedFlag #Trigger #toxisch benutzt?
Darüber sollten wir alle mal in Ruhe nachdenken:
"Die inflationäre Benutzung dieser Begriffe führt dazu, dass wir diese Verhaltensweisen (unterbewusst) verharmlosen, weil wir sie mit deutlich weniger gravierenden Problemen gleichsetzen. Das Ergebnis: Die psychischen Muster, die damit verbunden sind, werden nicht mehr so ernstgenommen und das Mental-Health-Stigma weitergeführt."
#RedFlag #trigger #toxisch #sprache #kommunikation
Oh great, there’s a an ad on #YouTube for a #lawsuit against #Tylenol cause people think it’s a cause of #autism, when it’s not. If you are a #parent of an #autistic child, and think joining this lawsuit is more important than actually caring for your child, then you shouldn’t be a parent in the first place. Also, they use “with autism” instead of “autistic”, so another #redflag there.
#YouTube #lawsuit #tylenol #autism #parent #Autistic #RedFlag
Thanks to Colorado’s laws protecting #ammosexuals, police couldn’t use #RedFlag laws to possibly prevent the #ClubQ hate crime. AND we’re learning more about the #DarkMAGA murderer from #TikTok than the #MainstreamMedia. ⬇️ 😞
#ammosexuals #RedFlag #clubq #DarkMAGA #tiktok #mainstreammedia
When I signed up for the first thing I noticed was an overabundance of white users telling everyone how to use the platform, specifically to leave everything you know about Twitter behind. That was a #RedFlag for me because the sentiment was born out of preserving the comfort of certain folks. I am 💯 unsurprised that this happened in a space dominated by #opensource thought that is predominantly white and male.
Offene Diskussionsrunde:
Für mich ist es mittlerweile irgendwie eine #RedFlag, wenn Leute sich als "Spirituell" bezeichnen.
Ich verbinde damit, dass sie z.B. #Horoskope für die Realität halten und in der Regel auch einen Hang z.B. zu #Homöopathie haben, was wiederum das Einfallstor zu #Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit ist.
Ist das zu harsch?
Gibt es eine verträgliche Art der #Spiritualität?
Oder ist man über dieses Maß bereits hinaus, wenn man sich bewusst als spirituell bezeichnet?
#RedFlag #Horoskope #homöopathie #Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit #spiritualität
🚩 #RedFlag beim ersten Date: SIE vertraut auf den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk.
#Demokratieabgabe #Rundfunkbeitrag #OERR #Funk #Vabbing #TikTok
#RedFlag #Demokratieabgabe #rundfunkbeitrag #OERR #funk #Vabbing #tiktok
tokumeiAsan RT @jdhimg: LtCol Eric "Miso" Gorney of the 64th Aggressor Squadron waves to the crowd along #LasVegas Blvd from his F-16C "Wraith" on a FLEX departure from Runway 3L at #Nellis AFB during #RedFlag 21-2. More photos at
#aviation #f16 #usaf #avgeek #fighterjet #jet
#jet #fighterjet #avgeek #usaf #f16 #aviation #RedFlag #Nellis #lasvegas
27 Anti-Gun #Bills Submitted In #Texas ( #AWB, #MagBan, #RedFlag, etc) #AntiGun #2ndAdmendment #Guns #GunControl #2A
#bills #texas #AWB #MagBan #RedFlag #AntiGun #2ndAdmendment #guns #guncontrol #2A