It is kind of sad to see whole project, which could be still useful, but for whatever reasons the company which started it gave up. #RedHat #Modularity
🌟 Star e-mail of the month 🌟
Do keep your feedback flooding in. I learn so much from it - like I've drunk the #RedHat Kool-Aid! I had no idea and now I do! 🧃
Plus, if there is an app, project, or news item you want to see me write about, try this person's winning formula:
1. See cool thing
2. Don't let me know
3. Wait a few weeks
4. Complain I didn't cover it
Everyone wins! 🙌🏻
A new article on Ansible linter is published.
#Automation #Linux #Secure Coding #RedHat
#automation #Linux #secure #RedHat
After #Redhat and #Hashicorp changes in their #opensource policies, I'm now looking with suspect and reviewing all single-company #FOSS projects without a clear story of multiple contributions, without a foundation based governance and/or subject to copyright #hijacking for third parties contributions. (as the infamous MySQL one).
If you are strongly depending on such a project, it is time to sleep worried. We are living in very strange times.
#RedHat #hashicorp #OpenSource #FOSS #hijacking
Hashicorp moved yesterday to Business Source License.
It seems RH pov starting to spread.
Why that move? Well, because a lot of business is done with the ass^Wsource of someone else who have to pay the bills.
And I'm talking of even multi-billions companies that capitalize on small companies research & dev, which have big issues in sustainability of their existence.
And often those products are single performer shows.
#FOSS #RedHat #hashicorp #Terraform
View my verified achievement from Red Hat.
#RedHat #certified #specialist #credly
#RedHat #certified #specialist #credly
An interesting long read and IMHO a shareable point of view from #Maddog about the #redhat querelle
I'm incredible happy that we finally landed YUV support for #gnome45. It'll allow us to make video players much more efficient in many cases (like #embeddedlinux or #LinuxMobile, but also regular laptops/desktops) and especially make developing such features more pleasant on the desktop. I'll write more in detail about it soon.
Thanks goes to @collabora for allowing me to work on it during my work hours and to @jadahl and some other #RedHat devs for helping pushing it over the line!
#gnome45 #embeddedlinux #LinuxMobile #RedHat #GNOME
A Beginner’s Guide To Dual Booting Windows And RHEL #Dualboot #Windows #RHEL #Windows11 #RHEL9 #Redhat #Linux #Howto #Operatingsystem
#dualboot #Windows #RHEL #Windows11 #rhel9 #RedHat #Linux #HOWTO #operatingsystem
#SUSE Announces #RHEL Fork to Preserve Choice in Enterprise #Linux
#SUSE #RHEL #Linux #OpenSource #RedHat
Oracle "offers" to ease the burden of RHEL development and takes a swipe at IBM.
#RedHat #RHEL #Linux #OpenSource
Wenn einem die Nummer mit #RedHat suspekt ist, bietet sich #Debian als Ersatz an. Professionell muss man per Case Basis entscheiden, ob das mit Zertifizierungen klappt, aber das System ist super solide. Die Server, die ich administriere, haben 50+ Tage Uptimes und starten im Grunde nur für Kernel Updates neu. Und Wissen aus Debian hilft auch in #Ubuntu weiter, was Downstream ist. Das Debian Projekt man auch null überraschende Kertwendungen. Und die irren HeimPC User können auch Debian Sid nutzen
Ok, some days after the disruptive announce of #redhat about (uneasy) availability of sources for downstream distributions, I'm outing my point of view, after some meditation. I basically agree with the RH point of view, and don't find so harmful this step. Downstreams should add value to the basis distribution, not being a free (as beer) or cheaper alternative of the upstream product.
This thread 🧵 from @thelinuxEXP about #RedHat :redhat: movement on EL sources and all the replies on it pictures the controversial quite good! 📖
I think this is all pure drama. I doubt that so many people around here use RHEL and if they really do, as an end user it really isn't affected.
But what can we do? The discussions that get the most likes/upvotes are in the Linux communities are pseudo-drama, complaining about open source developers and complaining about open source projects.
While I don't think it's wise of #RedHat to try to stop 1:1 clones of #RHEL, I do think the discourse is getting much too toxic and is losing so much nuance.
Let's all remember that RedHat is not stopping with contributing patches back to upstream, nor is it stopping the huge amount of open source development they are doing (so much of your linux machines was co-designed/developed by RedHat engineers). They just don't think the RHEL clones (who are not blameless) are worth it anymore.
Furthering the evolution of CentOS Stream