The excessive #exploitation by humans means horseshoe crabs now are listed as âModerately Depletedâ on the IUCNâs #RedList. Migratory birds who rely on horseshoe crab eggs, including the #RedKnot and #PipingPlover, also are disappearing at alarming rates.
Meanwhile, synthetic #alternatives â which donât involve a single drop of horseshoe crab blood â have been approved and are in use by several major pharmaceutical companies.
#alternatives #pipingplover #redknot #RedList #exploitation
RT @chloology
Out in @ConBiology: Genetic diversity doesnât predict species #RedList extinction risk status. We need direct assessments or well-verified proxies to best monitor and protect #genetic diversity @ivanpazvinas @MaggieEHunter @seanmhoban @ColinGarroway
Hedgehog Helpline
Please ensure you are leaving some food and water out for visiting hedgehogs.
#vulnerable #RedList #release #rehabilitation #rescue #charity #supportfeed #spring #wildlife #hedgehog
Human activity 'decimating' marine life â IUCN
#InternationalUnionforConservationofNature #RedList #endangered #marinelife #extinction
#extinction #marinelife #endangered #RedList #internationalunionforconservationofnature
#Job #Conservation #biodiversity #ecology #IUCN #RedList #CostaRica
Deadline 9 Dec 2022
#job #conservation #biodiversity #ecology #iucn #RedList #costarica
#us #england #covid #RedList #travellers #world #coronavirus #pandemic #uk