#rotfl #SwordsoftheSerpentine #TimeWatch #beyondthewall #bladerunner #BrindlewoodBay #callofcthulhu #Coriolis #cyphersystem #deltagreen #die #gumshoe #heart #fallofdeltagreen #grizzledadventurers #ironsworn #laundry #liminal #mothership #mutantcityblues #NightsBlackAgents #ose #Pendragon #RedMarkets #riversoflondon #shadowdark #sin #spectaculars #starforged #throughsunkenlands #trailofcthulhu #triangleagency #troika #Trophy #weirdindiestuff #YellowKing
Ever have a game you would love to play in or run and it never seems to work with your group? I have so freaking many.
I have wanted to play in #DeltaGreen and #RedMarkets (rather than run them) for years now. Getting close to just joining a game.
And a long time ago (when we very first established our current gaming group actually) we played a few sessions of #ArsMagica, but that kind of thing appeals to probably ony two people in our group of 5, and a duo game feels like we'd miss out.
#deltagreen #RedMarkets #arsmagica
@clayote It's called Red Markets, a tabletop roleplaying game about taking terrible jobs to survive mid-apocalypse.
There's a book set in the world called "Performance."
#ttrpg #RedMarkets #zombies
#inroduction 2/-
#horrorrpg #CallofCthulhu (currently absorbing 40th anniversary) #Bureau13, #BrindlewoodBay, #Dread, #iHunt, #CastingtheRunes, #Ecoterrorists, #TheYellowKing, #DeltaGreen , #CthulhuDark, #FateofCthulhu
Conspiracy/Urban Fantasy - #OvertheEdge, #UnknownArmies, #Nobilis/ #Chuubo, #ArsMagica, #amberdiceless, #IronKingdoms #RedMarkets, #Spire
Others - #Capers, #ICONS, #MSHRPG, #ORE, #Cyberpunk2020/ #CyberpunkRED , #Deadlands, #HauntedWest
Others just ask!
#inroduction #horrorrpg #callofcthulhu #bureau13 #BrindlewoodBay #dread #ihunt #CastingTheRunes #ecoterrorists #TheYellowKing #deltagreen #CthulhuDark #FateofCthulhu #overtheedge #UnknownArmies #nobilis #chuubo #arsmagica #amberdiceless #IronKingdoms #RedMarkets #Spire #capers #icons #mshrpg #ore #cyberpunk2020 #CyberpunkRED #deadlands #HauntedWest
Following this fun #ttrpg trend!
Last 5 played:
Next 5 I want to play:
#ttrpg #Vaesen #mothership #masks #electricbastionland #NightsBlackAgents #Spire #RedMarkets #TheOneRing2e #Coriolis #CityOfMist
Love this latest episode of Orlanth Rex’s Gaming Vexes. #RedMarkets is such a fascinating system. I wish it were easier to get hold of a physical copy in the UK. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/orlanth-rexs-gaming-vexes/id1513931107?i=1000583543027
Since re-introductions seem to be in order. Hi, I'm Mike. I make things on the internet and play RPGs. Mostly I play online, and the majority of the time it's stuff that gets streamed on Twitch as part of the High Shelf Collective channel (https://twitch.tv/highshelfcollective). Sometimes I paint small bits of metal and/or plastic. I live in Saint Louis with my wife and our bulldog puppy.
🎶 These are a few of my favorite things
🎲 #BladesInTheDark #RedMarkets #TrophyRPG #Vurt #PbtA
đź› #VueJS #NuxtJS #Shopify
#bladesinthedark #RedMarkets #trophyrpg #vurt #pbta #vuejs #nuxtjs #shopify
Decided to take a crack at making a #RedMarkets template for PlayRole. https://app.playrole.com/sheet-templates/17401b6a-red-markets-taker/save
Likely to be flawed as I have not really field tested it