Ethan 🌓 · @Ethancdavenport
186 followers · 39418 posts · Server

so i've just finished listening to book 2 of 's series, Golden Son. i remarked a week or two ago that i was starting the first book, Red Rising, because it smelled communist, and folks, i was not far off.

this is a story about , about , about overthrowing and beheading the oppressor class.

it leans a little far into Dead Wife (and other miscellaneous cis/het tomfoolery) stuff sometimes, and a little far into Oppressors Are Humans Too stuff sometimes, but is KILOMETERS, ASTRONOMICAL UNITS even, ahead of the milquetoast liberal anti-oppression narratives that have been so popular this past decade or two.

if you like and/or , if you crave a story with a genuine understanding of oppression, this is one for you.

major, major CWs for oppression, death, war, enslavement, all manner of trauma. this is not a light story by any stretch. but it is very good.

i've already checked out the third book, Rising Star, from the library, although i don't know if i'll start it today or if i'll let Golden Son percolate a little bit first.

#PierceBrown #RedRising #WorkerPower #classwar #socialism #sciencefiction

Last updated 2 years ago