U emisiji "Mir i dobro" na #HRT emitirano je izvješće s okruglog stola o vjerskim slobodama koji sam organizirala u Hrvatskom saboru. #RedWednesday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KRt1aY_QcM
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marijana_petir/status/1597354933652951042
U povodu inicijative „Crvena srijeda“ #RedWednesday, organizirala sam u Hrvatskom saboru okrugli stol „Progonjeni i zaboravljeni?“ o poštivanju slobode vjeroispovijesti kojem je bio cilj skretanje pažnje na progone koji se događaju u svijetu zbog vjere.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marijana_petir/status/1597214088886505472
U Hrvatskom saboru smo obilježili Crvenu srijedu kako bi podsjetili da je sloboda vjerovanja i vjeroispovijesti osnovno ljudsko pravo koje se u različitim dijelovima svijeta svakodnevno krši.#RedWednesday #FoRB #BreakTheSilence #HumanRights
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marijana_petir/status/1596483997059715072
#RedWednesday #FoRB #BreakTheSilence #humanrights
We marked #RedWednesday in the Croatian Parliament and #BreaktheSilence about persecution of the #Christians around the World. Aman Shakeel, student from #Pakistan who receive schoolarship in Croatia, gave a testimony about persecution of the Christians in Pakistan.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marijana_petir/status/1596436028935401474
#RedWednesday #BreakTheSilence #christians #pakistan
Das Blut der Märtyrer: Grußwort zum "Red Wednesday"
#redwednesday #christenverfolgung
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Joachim_Kuhs/status/1595479846410342401
#RedWednesday #Christenverfolgung
Danas sam u Hrvatskom saboru organizirala okrugli stol pod nazivom „Progonjeni i zaboravljeni“ posvećen poštivanju vjerskih sloboda, a u povodu obilježavanja “Crvene srijede”, 23. studenoga, u sjećanje na sve one koji su progonjeni zbog svoje vjere. #RedWednesday #FoRB
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marijana_petir/status/1595461662512914444
#RedWednesday Sta op voor de vrijheid om te geloven. In veel landen niet vanzelfsprekend. Vandaag onze kerk in bloedrood licht, om zo iedereen bewust te maken voor dit groeiende probleem.
#RedWednesday 23 november. We staan op voor de vrijheid om te geloven. In heel de wereld kleuren gebouwen bloedrood. Ook onze kerk. We staan stil bij de vervolging en geweld tegen mensen die geloven in de wereld. Om 17:00 uur een speciale gebedsdienst in onze kerk.
November 23 is Red Wednesday!
Red without fear! ❤️
##God #JesusChrist #HolySpirit
#Catholics #CatholicChurch #Catholicism #Christianity
#Twitter to #Mastodon #Masto
#Wednesday #RedWednesday #RedWednesdayPH
#redwednesdayph #RedWednesday #wednesday #masto #Mastodon #Twitter #christianity #catholicism #catholicchurch #catholics #holyspirit #jesuschrist #god
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
The Coming Persecution
Jesus said to the crowd: “They will seize and persecute you, they will hand you over to the synagogues and to prisons, and they will have you led before kings and governors because of my name. It will lead to your giving testimony.” Luke 21:12-13
#God #JesusChrist #HolySpirit
#Catholics #CatholicChurch #Catholicism #Christianity
#Twitter to #Mastodon #Masto
#Wednesday #RedWednesday #RedWednesdayPH
#redwednesdayph #RedWednesday #wednesday #masto #Mastodon #Twitter #christianity #catholicism #catholicchurch #catholics #holyspirit #jesuschrist #god
Am "Red Wednesday", dem 23.11.2022, wird auch dieses Jahr an alle verfolgten und diskriminierten Christen in der Welt gedacht. Dabei werden Innenräume und Kirchengebäude sowie öffentliche Gebäude rot beleuchtet. Wenn eine Pfarrei dieses Zeichen setzen will, kann sie sich hier anmelden und informieren:
#RedWednesday #VerfolgteChristen
#verfolgteChristen #RedWednesday