Bf made an amazing dinner last night. We had #fajitas and a few drinks while we watched #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue
Plot was fast and loose but pls give me a full series like #thecrown 🤩🤩🤩 I must have more. #lgbtqlife
#lgbtqlife #thecrown #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue #fajitas
Faut qu'on parle du carton incroyable de #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue qui devient sans aucune promo N°1 sur #PrimeVideo et même la 3eme rom-com de la plateforme en termes de visionnage. Mieux, le film a entraîné un pic d'inscription 👍👏 #LGBT
#lgbt #primevideo #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue
I am telling you that I am obsessed as as republicans with Queer people!! I need more Gay Romance that make me giggle and whimper at the same time 😭😭😭😭
6 books for Red, White, and Royal Blue Fans! #books #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue @bookstodon @bookstadon
Awww, that was a nice ending. 🥲
If you are interested in a gay rom/com, I can totally recommendit. #redwhiteandroyalblue
This ashole Journalist just outet Alex without his consent and knowledge. 😒 #redwhiteandroyalblue
I'm watching "Red, white and royal blue" at the moment. And the slow motion in the scene on the dance floor is killing me. 🥰🥲 #redwhiteandroyalblue
TV TONIGHT (August 11)
#RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue #HeartOfStone #Swagger #BelleCollective #MenInKilts #SoundOfThePolice #DownForLove #WeAreNewcastleUnited #Moonshine #SecretCelebrityRenovation #SmackDown #Outlander #AncientAliens #WitnessToMurder #PraisePetey
#praisepetey #witnesstomurder #ancientaliens #outlander #smackdown #secretcelebrityrenovation #Moonshine #wearenewcastleunited #downforlove #soundofthepolice #meninkilts #bellecollective #swagger #HeartOfStone #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue
A couple of books I finished last week. Neither turned out quite like I expected but that was ok! Now on to something else, whatever that is! #bookstan #📚 #BridesheadRevisited #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue
#RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue #bridesheadrevisited #bookstan
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
Sharon D. Clarke has joined the cast of Matthew Lopez's new romantic comedy film, #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue!
#BroadwayWorld #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue #theater
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
Sharon D. Clarke has joined the cast of Matthew L pez's #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue!
#BroadwayWorld #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue #theater
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
.@umathurman has joined Matthew Lopez's upcoming #RedWhiteandRoyalBlue film!
#BroadwayWorld #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue #theater
#BroadwayWorld 宽街戏剧新闻:
.@umathurman has joined Matthew Lop z's upcoming #RedWhiteandRoyalBlue film!
#BroadwayWorld #RedWhiteAndRoyalBlue #theater