Jurism 6.0.20 is now available.
#Jurism is a variant of the Zotero reference manager that adds support for legal and multilingual citations. The software suffered two years without updates, but that changes today. If you work in multiple languages or need to reference legal materials, it's worth a look.
#DigitalHumanitites #Productivity #ReferenceManagers #Writing #WritingTools
#writingtools #writing #ReferenceManagers #productivity #DigitalHumanitites #Jurism
I am going to try to do some programming today. Tutorials will be read. Keys will be pressed. Mistakes will be made. Learning will occur. With an exceptional degree of good fortune, joicing will in due course be iterated.
#Jurism #ReferenceManagers #Zotero #SystemD
#systemd #zotero #ReferenceManagers #Jurism
@VornhagenJB One of the most important class sessions in the #researchMethods class I'm teaching this quarter! I got our subject librarian to come discuss the database resources available and I made sure to go over #citations and #referencemanagers.
#researchmethods #citations #ReferenceManagers
Also while thinking about #Zotero. I am astonished about how many (ex-)students I run into who never heard of #ReferenceManagers. If you teach, please keep mentioning/recommending them. If you do not use one, go to zotero.org and use it. I am not even done with my PhD and have >2000 entries in my library. You will get overwhelmed if you try to do this by hand. Not even mentioning that I have not had to deal with doing a reference list manually since my undergrad.