Auch kleine Zeichen helfen, Helfen hilft noch mehr. #RefugeeAid #refugeeswecome
The hope project is very happy to welcome back hope project Poland for the weekend.
Philippa went with Adam and Zuzanna to buy the items we were desperately short of.
3 hours of shopping, 7 trollies packed with underwear, sun hats, sanitary towels, flip-flops, socks, t-shirts, and so much more!!!!
We would like to thank the people who made this possible, hope project Poland and Kjesti Ebbing and her fund raiser.
This support is sooooo needed at the moment.
With the world's media focus elsewhere, we are struggling to keep going. Without your support, we can not continue our work.
With so few groups left here and increasing arrivals, we are under more pressure than ever before.
Together, we are stronger!
#hope #hopeproject #thehopeproject #hopeprojectpoland #hopeprojectgreece #refugees #refugee #notjusthope #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece #greece #lesvos #jumbo #donations #aid #refugeeaid #refugeedonations #refugeeclothes #refugeecharity #refugee
#hope #hopeproject #thehopeproject #hopeprojectpoland #hopeprojectgreece #refugees #refugee #notjusthope #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece #greece #lesvos #jumbo #donations #aid #RefugeeAid #refugeedonations #refugeeclothes #refugeecharity
As always, we are very busy at the hope project this week with lots of new arrivals.
Lots of families today
Our amazing team are working hard to make sure everyone gets what they need.
Only because of your support is this possible.
Thank you ❤️
Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460
Donation page:
Amazon wish list:
#hope #notjusthope #hopeproject #hopeprojectgreece #hopeprojectlesvos #aid #refugees #refugee #refugeeaid #refugeehelp #donation #aiddistribution #aiditems #aiddonations #refugeeaid #distribution #refugeefamily #refugeefamilies #families #family
#hope #notjusthope #hopeproject #hopeprojectgreece #hopeprojectlesvos #aid #refugees #refugee #RefugeeAid #refugeehelp #donation #aiddistribution #aiditems #aiddonations #distribution #refugeefamily #refugeefamilies #families #family
We need your support for the summer months.
We are as always especially short of clothing for men and teenage boys.
If you can help with any of the items listed below, please message us for information, we are also able to buy most items locally but need your support to do this.
Shoes, flip flops, and crocs size 39,40,41,42,43 especially.
Underwear (only new please) all sizes
Sun hats
KIDS (over 2 years, we do not need baby clothes)
Underwear (only new please)
Flip flops and crocs
Sun hats
Underwear (only new please)
Crocs and flip flops
Long shirts
T shirts
Abyas and long dresses.
Hijabs and head scarfs
Long skirts
Sun hats
Adult toothbrushes
Shower gel
Baby cream
Baby bottles
Baby wipes
Diapers especially size 4,5,6
Sanitary towels, female Hygiene (please no tampons)
Sun Cream
Mosquito Repellent
Sleeping bags
Cotton sheets
Smart phone
Thank you all for your support.
We couldn't do this without you❤
Donation Information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460
Donation page:
Amazon wish list:
#hope #notjusthope #hopeproject #hopeprojectgreece #hopeprojectlesvos #aid #refugees #refugee #refugeeaid #refugeehelp #donation #donations #aiditems #aiddonations #refugeeaid #clothes #clothesdonation #clothesdonatons #charitydonation #charitydonations
#hope #notjusthope #hopeproject #hopeprojectgreece #hopeprojectlesvos #aid #refugees #refugee #RefugeeAid #refugeehelp #donation #donations #aiditems #aiddonations #clothes #clothesdonation #clothesdonatons #charitydonation #charitydonations
#SponsorCircles #empowered #PrivateCitizens in communities across the country to #RaiseFunds & #provide #resettlement #support for #Afghan #refugees who were being housed on American military bases & in need of #SafeRefuge .
#VietsForAfghans #AfghanHealthInitiative #CrossCultural #RefugeeAid #HelpRefugees #POC #BIPOC #PeopleOfColor #Humanity #Compassion #Kindness #PeopleHelpingPeople #BeTheChange #POCinAmerica #AsianMastodon #GoodNews #heartwarming #Empathy
#sponsorcircles #empowered #privatecitizens #raisefunds #provide #resettlement #support #afghan #refugees #saferefuge #vietsforafghans #afghanhealthinitiative #crosscultural #RefugeeAid #helprefugees #poc #bipoc #peopleofcolor #humanity #compassion #kindness #peoplehelpingpeople #bethechange #pocinamerica #asianmastodon #goodnews #heartwarming #empathy
Today, we received 16 pallets from the ever wonderful @flüchtlingsratulm.
The pallets were packed with everything we needed from shoes for adults, clothes, underwear and hygiene items.
We will work over the next days to unpack everything, the shoes are already going out to people.
Thank you so much to everyone in Ulm that made this possible.
You are truly amazing!!!
#fluchtlingsratulm #refugeeclothes #refugeehelp #itemsforrefugees #lesvosrefugees #refugeesgreece #helpingrefugees #clothesforrefugees #refugeeaid #refugee #flüchtlingsrat #refugees #hopeproject #aid #thehopeproject #humanitarian #humanitarianaid #aidingrefugees #hopeprojectgreece #notjusthope
#fluchtlingsratulm #refugeeclothes #refugeehelp #itemsforrefugees #lesvosrefugees #refugeesgreece #helpingrefugees #clothesforrefugees #RefugeeAid #refugee #fluchtlingsrat #refugees #hopeproject #aid #thehopeproject #humanitarian #humanitarianaid #aidingrefugees #hopeprojectgreece #notjusthope
Often, when we work together, we can achieve wonderful things.
Today, we received a donation from @safeplaceintl They had a huge donation of brand-new unisex adult clothing in their Athens warehouse.
We were able to pay for the shipping with donations from @careukcharity Chorlton and Chalbury refugee support.
This morning, our wonderful hope project team unloaded 500 + boxes of sweatpants and sweatshirts.
We are really excited to have these fabulous clothes.
We immediately started unpacking and distributing the clothing to those who visited the hope project today, and these clothes will make a huge difference in the weeks and months ahead.
Thank you to everyone who made this possible.
It is really a fantastic day 🤩.
Donation information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460
Donation page:
#safeplaceinternational #refugees #refugee #careukchorlton #careuk #careukcharity #refugeeaid #refugeeaidchorlton #hope #lesvos #notjusthope #refugeeslesvos #levis #humans #humanity #hopeproject #hopeprojectgreece #hopeprojectlesvos #refugeeclothing #refugeehelp
#safeplaceinternational #refugees #refugee #careukchorlton #careuk #careukcharity #RefugeeAid #refugeeaidchorlton #hope #lesvos #notjusthope #refugeeslesvos #levis #humans #humanity #hopeproject #hopeprojectgreece #hopeprojectlesvos #refugeeclothing #refugeehelp
Today we received 6 amazing pallets of clothing from @hamburgerhilfskonvoi .
We started unpacking them immediately because we were desperate for adult clothing.
We would like to send our thanks to Hamburg Hilfskonvoi for all their support and to everyone involved for making this possible.
The pallets were packed with warm sweaters, trousers, and coats for adults as well as Blankets and shoes
We are so happy that we can now give people warm coats when they visit us, we have been out of stock over the last few weeks.
Only with incredible support like this are we able to continue.
#hamburgerhilfskonvoi #hamburg #hilfsconvoi #hilfe #convoi #hopeproject #lesvos #refugees #refugee #aid #refugeeaid #refugeehelp #refugeecrisis #refugeelivesmatter #refugeerights #refugeeclothes #refugeeclothing #hope #hoping #notjusthope
#hamburgerhilfskonvoi #hamburg #hilfsconvoi #hilfe #convoi #hopeproject #lesvos #refugees #refugee #aid #RefugeeAid #refugeehelp #refugeecrisis #RefugeeLivesMatter #refugeerights #refugeeclothes #refugeeclothing #hope #hoping #notjusthope
Sometimes thank you is just not enough!
Flüchtlingsrat ulm offer the hope project with incredible support and have done for years.
Every month the cover the rent for the buildings that we use, for us this reassurance and support means a great deal. To know that this money is covered every month is incredible.
Last week they sent us three pallets of brand-new items for women and men.
Supplies have been so short lately that I literally cried when I saw the amazing thing they had sent.
The pallets were packed with trousers for men and women, underwear, shirts and blouses, sweaters and blankets.
Having items like this to give fills the team with joy. I could see the how excited the team was, and how they were so proud to be able to supply such amazing things to their community.
Thank you is never enough
We couldn’t do this without you!
#refugee #refugees #flüchtlingsratulm #flüchtlingsrat #ulm #hopeproject #refugeeaid #aid #aiddonations #aiddonation #refugeeitems #thankyou #charity #charities #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece #refugeehelp #refugeecharity #refugeecharities #notjusthope
#refugee #refugees #fluchtlingsratulm #fluchtlingsrat #ulm #hopeproject #RefugeeAid #aid #aiddonations #aiddonation #refugeeitems #thankyou #charity #charities #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece #refugeehelp #refugeecharity #refugeecharities #notjusthope
Greece: Trial of 24 volunteer migrant rescuers begins
#refugeeaid #trial #greece #SarahMardini #SeanBinder #courtcase #migrants
#migrants #courtcase #seanbinder #sarahmardini #greece #trial #RefugeeAid
We are desperately in need of supplies.
Can you help support the refugees here in Lesvos?
Our stocks of men’s clothing are finished, and ladies clothing supplies are extremely depleted.
Can help with anything on the needs list below?
Any amount is helpful, no box is too small.
(we can only accept parcels from inside the EU)
Underwear / Socks / Shoes / T-shirts / Sweaters / Trousers/joggers / Coats / Hats / Gloves / Scarfs
Underwear / Shoes / T-shirts / Sweaters / Trousers/joggers / Coats / Leggings / Long sleeve t-shirts / Hijabs / Long skirts / Long dresses/abayas /Gloves
Underwear / Socks / Gloves
Toothbrush adults / Shampoo / Deodorant / Moisturiser, cream / Gillette / Shower gel / Baby wipes / Sanitary towels / Pampers / Baby cream and Shampoo
Blankets / Backpacks / Stroller / Suitcase / Towels / Bags
(Please we are only in need of items on the list)
Postal address
Hope Project
Warehouse K19
Kara Tepe
Donation information:
Bank account:
Hope Project (Lesvos)
IBAN: GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460
Donation page:
Amazon wish list:
#wishlist #donation #donations #donationlist #donationlists #needed #neededitems #urgent #urgentlyneeded #urgentitems #refugee #refugees #refugeeitems #refugeelist #refugeeaid #aid #hopeproject #hopeprojectlesvos #hope #help
#wishlist #donation #donations #donationlist #donationlists #needed #neededitems #urgent #urgentlyneeded #urgentitems #refugee #refugees #refugeeitems #refugeelist #RefugeeAid #aid #hopeproject #hopeprojectlesvos #hope #help
In the last days we have reached everyone that lost everything in the latest fire.
For two of the families this is not the first time they have lost everything.
Our hearts break when we see the constant trauma that these people are forced to endure.
This little one is 7. She has been here 6 years. The only life she knows is refugee camps, first moria then the new camp. How much can one child take in such a small life. She has never known a home or school. Never had the things that other kids take for granted.
She left today with three big bags of clothes that she chose herself, and 2 small bags of toys.
She left happy with a bag of everything pink, her smile never wavered which broke my heart even more.
Unfortunately we couldn't find much for her dad because we are desperately short of mens clothing but he was gracious and happy because his daughter was happy.
We found them some kitchen basics as well as tea, sugar and some food.
The abuse that is leveled at people fleeing never ceases to amaze us.
These children deserve more 😔
#refugees #refugee #hope #refugeehope #refugeechildren #refugeelivesmatter #refugeelife #humanlife #humanlivesmatter #humanity #children #refugeefamilies #refugeefamily #aid #refugeeaid #refugeekids #kids #thenextgeneration #togetherwearestronger #empowerhumanity
#refugees #refugee #hope #refugeehope #refugeechildren #RefugeeLivesMatter #refugeelife #humanlife #humanlivesmatter #humanity #children #refugeefamilies #refugeefamily #aid #RefugeeAid #refugeekids #kids #thenextgeneration #TogetherWeAreStronger #empowerhumanity
Our youngest visitor this week, so new he wasn't even listed on his families ticket. The youngest and the oldest always pull at our hearts. Sometimes it feels like what we do isn't enough. But we have to look at the difference we make for individuals, and the help we can give.
#refugees #refugee #hopeproject #hopeprojectlesvos #aid #baby #babies #lesvos #greece #distribution #refugeeaid #aiddistribution #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece #refugeebaby #refugeebabies #togetherwearestronger #empowerrefugees #refugeerights #humanrights
#refugees #refugee #hopeproject #hopeprojectlesvos #aid #baby #babies #lesvos #greece #distribution #RefugeeAid #aiddistribution #refugeeslesvos #refugeesgreece #refugeebaby #refugeebabies #TogetherWeAreStronger #empowerrefugees #refugeerights #humanrights
Damn, she's on 🔥 Asymmetric #refugeeAid + media coverage. #WhitePrivilege #racism #Ukraine #USempire
#RefugeeAid #whiteprivilege #racism #ukraine #usempire