RT International Rescue Committee - UK
"Parliament’s passing of the 'Illegal Migration' Bill is damaging for Britain and devastating for people seeking safety from conflict & persecution."
The IRC's UK Executive Director @LauraKyrkeSmith responds to last night's passing of the #RefugeeBanBill:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RESCUE_UK/status/1681231565752336384
Deeply depressing - Government wins vote to reject the Lords proposal that this vile and immoral bill #RefugeeBanBill should at least be compliant with the rule of law - clearly a step too far for this shameful reckless failing Government
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1680996581351337984
Minister seemingly incapable of grasping clear evidence of #RefugeeBanBill being illegal, immoral & unworkable. Not only will it break international law - Home Office's *own impact assessment* said its deterrence is "uncertain". We need safe & legal routes - not this vile Bill. https://t.co/o4OpiCHVKr
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1680977736125259777
Scandal of refugee families separated by UK red tape | The Independent
#refugees #SeperatedFamilies #FamilyReunification #Visas #RedTape #SmallBoats #PeopleSmugglers #IllegalMigrationBill #AsylumBan #saferoutes #homeoffice #Braverman #SafePassageInternational #safepassagenow #RefugeeBanBill
RT Daniel Sohege 🧡
Your regular reminder that the #RefugeeBanBill is not the "will of the people". The @Conservatives manifesto promise was to protect asylum seekers, not violate international law, lock children away, and deport people to countries where they face persecution or death. #r4today https://t.co/4EJwef9vz3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/stand_for_all/status/1679015862190129152
Well that pretty much sums up this abysmal Government’s whole approach: they’ve just won vote on the #RefugeeBanBill to delete any requirement to ensure compliance of the Bill with international obligations. Well yes, of course they have - why would they care about such details?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1678798604306112514
It’s an odd feeling to look at benches opposite full of presumably in the main perfectly decent people happily voting for something totally *indecent* - in this case, to disallow asylum claims by unaccompanied children. Do they just suspend their hearts & minds? #RefugeeBanBill
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1678805196263108608
Oh lovely - so now we’re voting on Govt plan to remove any restrictions on removal destinations for LGBT+ people. Why would they care, after all? These levels of callous cruelty are truly mind boggling #RefugeeBanBill
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1678808760217632786
Braverman’s illegal & immoral #RefugeeBanBill threatens to reintroduce child detention - robbing children of their freedom, their safety & their right to play. Great to support @CitizensUK @bh_citizens in urging Government to drop yet another utterly inhumane proposal. https://t.co/zYb9wAPj2N
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1673652454674554881
Govt's vile & immoral #RefugeeBanBill and toxic Home Office language isn’t even dog whistle politics - it’s a hard-right foghorn blasting out poisonous 'them & us' rhetoric. As Sunak doubles down, families from war-torn Sudan remain separated.
My Q at #PMQs today 👇
RT @HuffPostUK: The prime minister was asked to defend his government's "vile and immoral" migration policies during PMQs. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/rishi-sunak-accused-of-blasting-giant-hard-right-foghorn-over-refugees-fleeing-war_uk_64523f19e4b0bc1dad7a4a6b?d_id=5780792&ncid_tag=tweetlnkukhpmg00000001&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=uk_main
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1653762058901438465
RT @ZoeJardiniere: This is incredibly welcome!
Most imp thing Labour can do on #RefugeeBanBill is to repeal it in full on day one.
First time I've seen that so clearly promised by @SKinnock.
Lab must also repeal Patel's Nationality & Borders Act for a functional, fair asylum system to be possible. https://t.co/2oNbDTfCSr
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/julie4north/status/1651581678949629953
So the vile, illegal & immoral #RefugeeBanBill from this cruel & callous Government passes its final stage in the Commons, 289 to 230.
Here’s hoping House of Lords will have more guts to challenge Ministers & stand up for the values which we know people in this country hold
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1651291586389594113
Utterly disingenuous Govt memorandum just out on legal compliance of #RefugeeBanBill, saying it's "capable" of operating compatibly with ECHR because it won’t “necessarily” interfere with those rights – so all's fine, so long as certain powers in Bill aren’t actually used? Absurd
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1651209531945263107
Govt’s #RefugeeBanBill is illegal, immoral, divisive, dangerous & grotesquely inhumane - you bet @thegreenparty is against it. Unless Ministers put proper, functioning safe & legal routes in place we’ll never be able to stop the boats
Me on #PoliticsLive
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1650843969209655296
The #RefugeeBanBill is immoral, cruel & divisive. It breaks international law & runs roughshod over human rights. Ministers care about stirring up hatred & stoking culture wars - they don't care about the human beings caught in the crossfire.
Me on @BBCRadio4 #WestminsterHour 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1650483205840031744
#RefugeeBanBill #WestminsterHour
Shameless. This morning we see Suella Braverman has put down dozens of Amendments & 9 Govt New Clauses to her vile #RefugeeBanBill at latest stage in Commons. Bypassing, undermining & massively reducing time for scrutiny of this vile, already rushed Bill. This Govt is dangerous
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1650415809703952384
@Kevin_Harrison Proudly standing alongside @theSNP colleagues and opposing this horrendous legislation every step of the way. #RefugeeBanBill
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AlynSmith/status/1641041912982388739
RT @ZoeJardiniere: The two options for Afghan refugees who helped our troops under this government’s #RefugeeBanBill:
1. Stay put hiding from the Taliban who want to kill you and apply for safe passage which we will DENY.
2. Make your own way here and be locked up & deported to Rwanda.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JeanLambertLDN/status/1640638370991808513
@TomABacon @PaulbernalUK ?t=ESYJhxEbAFYxmDbdV5BY7Q&s=19
RT @CarolineLucas: The Home Secretary, on the face of this Bill, invites Parliament to rip up international law. The only act of a Parliament that has any kind of moral integrity is to rip up her illegal & immoral Bill, which has no place on our statute book. #StopTheBill #RefugeeBanBill @JCWI_UK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/catherinerowett/status/1635762769973657604
So this illegal & immoral #RefugeeBanBill passes second reading, 312 to 270, trashing international law, running roughshod over human rights, & shaming us all. It’s not refugees who are threat to this country, it’s the Tory government. But opposition will only grow #StopTheBill
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1635408640663494658