RT Dunja Mijatovic: #HumanRights4All #RefugeeDay @ Porta D' #Europa https://t.co/jryXIKRaMB
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Dunja_Mijatovic/status/1670840937914810400
#HumanRights4All #RefugeeDay #Europa
"ما زالت سوريا إحدى أكبر أزمات النزوح في العالم، مع وجود 6.8 مليون لاجئ. لقد ولد جيل كامل وترعرع في حالة نزوح"
بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للاجئين ندعوكم لقراءة مدونة الممثل الأعلى للشؤون الخارجية جوزيب بوريل حول موقف 🇪🇺 من سوريا و حقوق اللاجئين 👇
#RefugeeDay https://t.co/xsaSow7ZdT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UE_au_Maroc/status/1671239088144302081
Happy #WorldRefugeeDay! Today, we celebrate their resilience and stand in solidarity with refugees. This year's theme, 'Hope Away from Home. A world where refugees are always included, highlights the power of inclusion and solutions for refugees. #RefugeeDay #WithRefugees https://t.co/Dqtc2DjD1O
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinMalaysia/status/1671013629603328005
#WorldRefugeeDay #RefugeeDay #WithRefugees
We take great pride in in sharing our efforts and initiatives aimed at supporting and advocating for rights of refugees in Malaysia on #WorldRefugeeDay today. #HopeAwayFromHome #RefugeeDay #WithRefugees https://t.co/1m5Gb0Locr
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinMalaysia/status/1671071654410158080
#WorldRefugeeDay #HopeAwayFromHome #RefugeeDay #WithRefugees
Mural "Welcome" symbolically representing hospitality of local community in BiH towards refugees, unveiled today on the occasion of the World Refugee Day. #RefugeeDay #WorldRefugeeDay #WithRefugees #HopeAwayFromHome https://t.co/ERJ3NG0j8X
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UNHCRBiH/status/1671143159290527747
#RefugeeDay #WorldRefugeeDay #WithRefugees #HopeAwayFromHome
#OnThisDay First #Mars #Trojan Eureka discovered (1990).
Birth Anniversary of English #Biochemist Frederick Gowland Hopkins (1861). He was co-awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1929 for the discovery of #Vitamins.
Happy Birthday Nicole Kidman (1967)
Today is World #RefugeeDay.
#RefugeeDay #vitamins #biochemist #Trojan #Mars #onthisday
Flüchtlinge willkommen. Derzeit sehen wir was alles möglich ist um Flüchtlinge aufzunehmen und zu integrieren. Das muss künftig für alle geflüchteten Menschen gelten.
RT @SPDEuropa: #RefugeesWelcome @BirgitSippelMEP @J_MorenoSanchez @gabischoff @isabel_mep @sylvieguillaume @thijsreuten @UdoBullmann @MariaArenaEU @MariaNoichl @schieder @karstenlucke @delarabur @MarcAngel_lu @TheProgressives #WorldRefugeeDay #RefugeeDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/BirgitSippelMEP/status/1539113714594488327
#RefugeesWelcome #WorldRefugeeDay #RefugeeDay
RT @SPDEuropa: #RefugeesWelcome @BirgitSippelMEP @J_MorenoSanchez @gabischoff @isabel_mep @sylvieguillaume @thijsreuten @UdoBullmann @MariaArenaEU @MariaNoichl @schieder @karstenlucke @delarabur @MarcAngel_lu @TheProgressives #WorldRefugeeDay #RefugeeDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UdoBullmann/status/1539120804956348420
#RefugeesWelcome #WorldRefugeeDay #RefugeeDay
RT @SPDEuropa: #RefugeesWelcome @BirgitSippelMEP @J_MorenoSanchez @gabischoff @isabel_mep @sylvieguillaume @thijsreuten @UdoBullmann @MariaArenaEU @MariaNoichl @schieder @karstenlucke @delarabur @MarcAngel_lu @TheProgressives #WorldRefugeeDay #RefugeeDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/karstenlucke/status/1538947200230862849
#RefugeesWelcome #WorldRefugeeDay #RefugeeDay
RT @eleonoraevi: Oggi è il #RefugeeDay!
In un mondo dove ogni giorno migliaia di famiglie sono costrette a fuggire per salvarsi la vita, noi continuiamo a batterci per costruire un mondo fatto di #umanità e #solidarietà.
Aderisci alla nostra campagna #WelcomingEurope
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EleonoraEvi/status/1538964421057339395
#RefugeeDay #umanità #solidarietà #WelcomingEurope
RT @salima_yenbou: Le 20 juin nous nous mobilisons pour la Journée mondiale des réfugiés établie par l'ONU🇺🇳
Il faut rendre hommage & soutenir l'ensemble des réfugiés du monde entier, forcés de fuir leur pays ou région d'origine pour échapper aux conflits ou à la persécution
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/LGBTIintergroup/status/1538903585559289856
#RefugeesWelcome @BirgitSippelMEP @J_MorenoSanchez @gabischoff @isabel_mep @sylvieguillaume @thijsreuten @UdoBullmann @MariaArenaEU @MariaNoichl @schieder @karstenlucke @delarabur @MarcAngel_lu @TheProgressives #WorldRefugeeDay #RefugeeDay
#RefugeesWelcome #WorldRefugeeDay #RefugeeDay
Today is #RefugeeDay!
In a world where every day thousands of families are forced to flee for their lives, the time is now to show that we stand with refugees.
Like you, we will continue to show humanity & solidarity, join our #WelcomingEurope campaign➡️ http://greens-efa.eu/en/campaigns/migration
Oggi è il #RefugeeDay!
In un mondo dove ogni giorno migliaia di famiglie sono costrette a fuggire per salvarsi la vita, noi continuiamo a batterci per costruire un mondo fatto di #umanità e #solidarietà.
Aderisci alla nostra campagna #WelcomingEurope
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EleonoraEvi/status/1538924934507929603
#RefugeeDay #umanità #solidarietà #WelcomingEurope
RT @mera25_gr: Σήμερα, Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Προσφύγων, με ανθρωπιά και αλληλεγγύη σπάμε τα τείχη του ρατσισμού και της ξενοφοβίας και εντείνουμε τον αγώνα μας έναντι των πραγματικών αιτιών της προσφυγιάς, της μετανάστευσης, της φτώχειας και της κλιματικής κρίσης. #RefugeeDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SofiaSakorafa/status/1538887421672275972
Accogliere,aiutare,favorire l’integrazione: @europarl_en al fianco degli oltre 6 milioni di ucraini e 100 milioni di persone al mondo che hanno dovuto abbandonare il proprio Paese per fuggire da conflitti e violazioni dei diritti umani.
#giornatamondialedelrifugiato #RefugeeDay
#GiornataMondialedelRifugiato #RefugeeDay
Ninguén é ilegal. As persoas refuxiadas merecen protección, asistencia, oportunidades e non ser criminalizadas. É unha fuxida pola vida. Sigamos sendo human@s e defendámolas, esixindo procedimentos de asilo,regularización e vías legais e seguras para evitar + mortes.#RefugeeDay
RT @Acampa_polapaz: Tanto que mudar no trato e cumprimento dos dereitos das persoas que fuxen na procura de refuxio!!!
Por eles e elas agora e porque "to…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/anamirandapaz/status/1538866778318700546
RT @RozaSalih: It’s great to be invited to @kayeadams show @BBCRadioScot for #refugeeday but why are our voices limited or celebrated only on this day. Many refugees contribute to society everyday in so many ways but negative stereotypes of refugees appears on media throughout the year!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Christia_Allard/status/1538815903118372864
World Refugee Day 📌 #RefugeeDay
EU coordinates assistance for people fleeing the war in #Ukraine
📸 Illustration photos: https://europa.eu/!qFmjcG
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EC_AVService/status/1538801326368464897
World Refugee Day 📌 #RefugeeDay
#Azerbaijan: helping conflict-affected families through the winter
📸 Illustration photos: https://europa.eu/!mkMwfT
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EC_AVService/status/1538793778202279936