Check the #REGIOSTARS finalists and get ready to vote on 14/9 👇
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EUinmyRegion🇪🇺: #RegioStars: meet the 30 finalists!
Have a look at all the inspiring projects that make local 🇪🇺 funded achievements shine, in 6 categories:
🔸 Competitive & Smart
🔸 Connected
🔸 Closer to Citizens
🔸 Green
🔸 Social and Inclusive
🔸 #EuropeanYearOfSkills
#RegioStars #EuropeanYearOfSkills
#Slovenia 🇸🇮 may not be a finalist of this year's prestigious 🇪🇺#Regiostars ⭐️ competition,
...ampak obstajajo 3 razlogi za ponos :
⭐️ @GZSnovice= Lead Partner
@KamnikInfo & RRA LUR= partners
of @Interreg_Danube finalist project CINEMA !
👏👏👏 Čestitam!
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EUinmyRegion🇪🇺: #RegioStars: meet the 30 finalists!
Have a look at all the inspiring projects that make local 🇪🇺 funded achievements shine, in 6 categories:
🔸 Competitive & Smart
🔸 Connected
🔸 Closer to Citizens
🔸 Green
🔸 Social and Inclusive
🔸 #EuropeanYearOfSkills
#Slovenia #RegioStars #EuropeanYearOfSkills
#RegioStars: meet the 30 finalists!
Have a look at all the inspiring projects that make local 🇪🇺 funded achievements shine, in 6 categories:
🔸 Competitive & Smart
🔸 Connected
🔸 Closer to Citizens
🔸 Green
🔸 Social and Inclusive
🔸 #EuropeanYearOfSkills
#RegioStars #EuropeanYearOfSkills
RT @AgnesMONFRET: Cleaner and safer 🇧🇬 Ports Infrastructure thanks to 🇪🇺@EufundsBg Transport programme - and 2023 #RegioStars applicant ⛴️ to welcome Monitoring Committee members on their visit 🙂❤️ to #Burgas harbour ⚓️ !! 🙏👏
We received 228 applications for the #Regiostars 2023✨🎇
The selection process will now start and more information will follow in the coming weeks.
Stay tuned😉
📢Today is the end! ⌛️⌛️
Don't miss the opportunity to showcase your impactful work: your contribution has the power to shape and transform the future of #EUregions and #EUCities.
You still have few hours to apply!⬇️
#CohesionPolicy #EUinmyRegion
RT @EUinmyRegion: 🌟 Calling 🇪🇺projects!
⏰Only a few hours left to apply for the 16th #RegioStars edition!
Join the competition and showcase your remarkable work: your contribution has the power to shape and transfo…
#EURegions #EUCities #CohesionPolicy #EUinmyRegion #RegioStars
📢Today is the end🔚!
You still have few hours to apply‼️
Do not miss the opportunity to showcase your impactful work: your contribution has the power to shape and transform #EURegions and #EUCities‼️
#Regiostars #CohesionPolicy
RT @EUinmyRegion: 🌟 Calling 🇪🇺projects!
⏰Only a few hours left to apply for the 16th #RegioStars edition!
Join the competition and showcase your remarkable work: your contribution has the power to shape and transform the future of #EUr…
#EURegions #EUCities #RegioStars #CohesionPolicy #EUR
🌟 Calling 🇪🇺projects!
⏰Only a few hours left to apply for the 16th #RegioStars edition!
Join the competition and showcase your remarkable work: your contribution has the power to shape and transform the future of #EUregions.
#RegioStars #EURegions #CohesionPolicy
⭐️ #RegioStars Awards' applications are closing on 31st May - in one week!
Are you involved in a beautiful EU-regional project?
Be the shining star🌟of this 16th edition, apply now!
📢Ο διαγωνισμός βραβείων #REGIOSTARS 2023 ξεκίνησε!
Όλα τα έργα που χρηματοδοτούνται από #CohesionPolicy μπορούν να συμμετάσχουν έως 31/05.
Εγγραφείτε και δείξτε πώς τα έργα σας υποστηρίζουν την οικονομική, κοινωνική και εδαφική 🇪🇺 συνοχή
RT @MJWPU: 🇪🇺Do 31.05 jest czas na aplikację w konkursie #REGIOSTARS⭐️Zgłoś swój projekt dofinansowany z #FunduszeEuropejskie w jednej z sześciu kategorii. Do wygrania lokalna kampania komunikacyjna promująca nagrodzone działania w danym regionie.
#RegioStars #FunduszeEuropejskie
#SmartRegions: @Coralliaorg, makes science and innovation flourish!
This #EUFunded Cluster Initiative stimulates competitiveness and technology in 🇬🇷 regions.
And now plans to expand even further!
#SmartRegions #EUfunded #CohesionPolicy #RegioStars
📢Ο διαγωνισμός βραβείων #REGIOSTARS 2023 ξεκίνησε!
Όλα τα έργα που χρηματοδοτούνται από #CohesionPolicy μπορούν να συμμετάσχουν έως 31/05.
Εγγραφείτε και δείξτε πώς τα έργα σας υποστηρίζουν την οικονομική, κοινωνική και εδαφική 🇪🇺 συνοχή
Do you remember the #Vilawatt project? It was among the finalists of the #RegioStars Awards 2020 and today, at the #CitiesForum, @jordimazon @ViladecansTweet is bringing the project to light, to inspire other cities!
Find out more:
#Vilawatt #RegioStars #CitiesForum #EUI4yourcity
📢Ο διαγωνισμός βραβείων #REGIOSTARS 2023 ξεκίνησε!
Όλα τα έργα που χρηματοδοτούνται από #CohesionPolicy μπορούν να συμμετάσχουν έως 31/05.
Εγγραφείτε και δείξτε πώς τα έργα σας υποστηρίζουν την οικονομική, κοινωνική και εδαφική 🇪🇺 συνοχή
RT @EEAthina: 📢Ο διαγωνισμός βραβείων #REGIOSTARS 2023 ξεκίνησε!
Όλα τα έργα που χρηματοδοτούνται από #CohesionPolicy μπορούν να συμμετάσχουν έως 31/05.
Εγγραφείτε και δείξτε πώς τα έργα σας υποστηρίζουν την οικονομική, κοινωνική και εδαφική 🇪🇺 συνοχή
La Commissione UE ha aperto la 16a edizione di #REGIOSTARS, il concorso che premia i migliori progetti finanziati nell'ambito della politica di coesione.
Se hai promosso un progetto simile, hai tempo fino al 31 maggio per presentare la tua candidatura!!P3VdDj
🔹O concurso está aberto até 31 de maio e poderá votar no seu finalista favorito para o prémio escolhido pelo público. Os vencedores serão selecionados por um júri independente.
Conheça todos os detalhes em!dMWnKm
#REGIOSTARS @EUinmyRegion @RegioES_PT
💬 “Os prémios #REGIOSTARS mostram como os projetos da política de coesão são capazes de transformar as economias locais e a vida das pessoas nas regiões da União Europeia”, afirmou @ElisaFerreiraEC, comissária responsável pela Coesão e Reformas.
🇪🇺 Já estão abertas as candidaturas para a 16.ª edição do concurso de prémios #REGIOSTARS!
Que tipos de projetos se podem candidatar❓
Todos os que são financiados anualmente ao abrigo da Política de Coesão.