RT @ESM_Press: Read interview with ESM Managing Director Klaus #Regling, published in #Eurofi Magazine, where he spoke about:
-public and private risk-sharing
-completing banking and capital markets union
-European financial autonomy
🔗 https://ow.ly/zuW850KECku
RT @CharlesMichel: With Klaus #Regling we discussed the consequences of high energy prices for Europe's economic outlook.
Close coordination of economic policies will be key to address common challenges.
Many thanks for your leadership at the @ESM_Press over the past 10 years.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUCouncilPress/status/1565727215890960384
RT @juliana_dahl: 🇪🇺🇩🇪 ESM MD #Regling diskutierte heute Abend in Brüssel mit Marija Kolak (@BVRPresse), @burkhardbalz + Reinhold Hilbers (FM Niedersachsen) über „Nachhaltige Staatsfinanzen in Krisenzeiten“ - @SilkeWettach leitete die angeregte Diskussion 👏
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/burkhardbalz/status/1546970761423978496
Wieder konnten sich die Finanzminister der #Eurozone auf keinen Nachfolger von @ESM_Press Klaus #Regling als Chef des #ESM einigen. Was für ein Desaster! Vor allem der Italiener Marco Buti sollte seine Niederlage endlich eingestehen und sich zurückziehen!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MarkusFerber/status/1537717564217909249
#Eurozone #Regling #ESM #euro #EU
Doorstep by @Paschald #Eurogroup and Klaus #Regling @ESM_Press at ESM Board of Governors meeting.
"I want to recognise the extraordinary contribution that Klaus #Regling has made to the economy of Europe during his ten year period as Managing Director"
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUCouncilTVNews/status/1537390446485422081
RT @EUCouncilTVNews: Doorstep by @Paschald #Eurogroup and Klaus #Regling @ESM_Press at ESM Board of Governors meeting.
"I want to recognise the extraordinary contribution that Klaus #Regling has made to the economy of Europe during his ten year period as Managing Director"
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUCouncilPress/status/1537429878198284291
RT @ESM_Press: We have a winner! 🥳 @leo_axt commented on our post and won a copy of our history book, “Safeguarding the Euro in Times of Crisis - The Inside Story of the ESM”, signed by our Managing Director Klaus #Regling! It’s already on its way.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1533120218721034246
RT @ESM_Press: Through crises towards stability: How ESM MD ran the rescue fund for the last decade. Reflections on past, present and future in a talk with Klaus #Regling and @GuntramWolff at @Bruegel_org.
You can register or join online here: https://ow.ly/elmS50Jo9i8
RT @ESM_Press: Read transcript of remarks by #ESM MD Klaus #Regling at the press conference after the #Eurogroup meeting on banking union. He spoke about:
➡️The benefits of completing banking union
➡️What has already been achieved
➡️What remains to be done
RT @ESM_Press: 🇪🇺 Very good meeting between #ESM MD #Regling, EVP @VDombrovskis and Commissioner @PaoloGentiloni in Luxembourg today to discuss cooperation @ESM_Press and @EU_Commission and deepening #EMU.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/VDombrovskis/status/1510979526158958592
RT @ESM_Press: 🇪🇺 Very good meeting between #ESM MD #Regling, EVP @VDombrovskis and Commissioner @PaoloGentiloni in Luxembourg today to discuss cooperation @ESM_Press and @EU_Commission and deepening #EMU.
RT @ESM_Press: 🇪🇺 Very good meeting between #ESM MD #Regling, EVP @VDombrovskis and Commissioner @PaoloGentiloni in Luxembourg today to discuss cooperation @ESM_Press and @EU_Commission and deepening #EMU.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/PaoloGentiloni/status/1511008367740956683
[2022-04-04 15:50 UTC]