It will sadly not be time to rejoin the #EU for another 20 years. A #Rejoin campaign will go well until someone mentions that this time, in order to join, we will need to adopt the €. I’m fine with that already, but it will give the Brexis all the ammo they need to persuade the less aware voters to stay out unless they have lived the reality of #Brexit. In order to win a rejoin referendum, Britain will need to be a good deal less arrogant, and that will take time and probably suffering. 🙁
The European Network's Frances Cowell writes about how the rejoin campaign in Britain seems to be gathering steam. But where exactly is it going? If the answer seems obvious, it is much less so when you think about it.
#Rejoin #Brexit #EU #UK #Europe
Another Benefit Of Brexit!
Still, if they build out far enough... we wouldn't need to queue for ferries or the Chunnel; we could just queue at the second land border with the EU.
#GeneralElectionNow! #Rejoin
This lecture by Ruth Ben-Ghiat is good as is the Q&A after.
The UK is further down the path of authoritarianism than it may seem but it's also still preventable. I think Nicola Sturgeon nailed Starmer. He provides no alternative, his silence is complicity, and he's not very likeable. It's absolutely right people protest and don't acquiesce like authoritarianism is a done deal.
This lecture may provide some pointers and hope.
#Rejoin #EU #scotland #Trans #LGBT #UK
Brexit trade failures revealed by government’s own research | The Independent
#brexit #trade #BrexitTrade #BrexitTradeDeals #tradedeals #GlobalBritain #britishchambersofcommerce #FederationOfSmallBusinesses #BrexitBorderChecks #BorderChecks #BrexitReferendum #yougov #Rejoin #eu
RT Remain Central #Rejoin: “Brexit is rubbish. It’s a disaster. And people are waking up to that now.” - Blur frontman Damon Albarn.
Glad that in spite of personal political and career pressures to embrace Brexit I chose to be a Remainer recusant & be on the right side of UK history. No amount of dissembling turns the Brexit lie into truth. UK public are waking up to the big con they swallowed from Brexiteers
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Remain Central #Rejoin: 🚨 Huge 62-38 majority for #Rejoin.
Latest poll shows nearly two thirds of voters now want EU membership back.
RT so that everyone knows.
RT Remain Central #Rejoin: Refugees are welcome here. RT if you agree.
More Brexit Triumphs
Checks on food items delayed gor a fifth time.
The grounds are apparently that it will add to inflation and possible shortages. No mention of the píss poor preparation for the totally predictable consequences of both Brexit and the group of feckin incompetent ideologues who have power over the four countries that make up a hopefully, soon to be no longer United Kingdom.
#tories #incompetence #scottishindependence #Rejoin #europe
RT A C Grayling #FBPE #Reform #Rejoin #FBPR
Express poll:
Was Britain right or wrong to leave the European Union?
Right to leave 26%
Wrong to leave 74%
Don't know 0%
RT Guy Verhofstadt
You can fool some people sometimes… but in a democracy they get a chance to put things right.
Time to #rejoin !
Well, this is encouraging news. Seems like a lot of Brexiters are regretting their decision to leave, with 18% saying they would vote to re-enter the EU. 🇪🇺
#Brexit #Rejoin #EU
This elephant in the room will eventually break the undemocratic cult of omertà used to stifle debate of the real consequences of Brexit sold to UK public on a pack of lies. Brexit is a real tragedy which has delivered no benefits & made my EU friends & partners in UK unwelcome.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Remain Central #Rejoin: Britain now wants to #Rejoin, by a huge 60-40 majority.
Help spread the word.
Please RT and follow. #followbackfriday
#Brexit is a degenerative disease that’s tearing the United Kingdom apart. When #rejoin will finally happen, then most likely in less Great pieces
If confirmed and replicated this antinBrexit groundswell of public sentiment becomes eventually a problem for the mainstream political parties wedded to the get Brexit done cult of omertà
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Remain Central #Rejoin: Britain now wants to #Rejoin, by a huge 60-40 majority - latest polling:
We’ll spoken #EltonJohn 👏👏. But, I think it’s gonna be a long, long time before #Brexit is reversed . 🙏
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Remain Central #Rejoin: Elton John: “I am sick to death of Brexit. I am a European.”
RT The Rejoin EU Party
🚨Today at 5 pm!
@RichardHewison, Party Leader of the Rejoin EU Party heads to Uxbridge and South Ruislip:
#rejoin #brexit #uxbridge #southruislip
#Rejoin #brexit #UXBRIDGE #southruislip
With Boris disgraced and his Brexit project failing we must rethink joining Europe | The Independent
#johnson #heseltine #brexit #Rejoin #Brussles #immigration #SkilledWorkers #WorkerShortage #tradedeals #tories #thatcher #GivingBrexitAChance #slogans #MobTargets #civilservice #foreigners #xenophobia #AntiImmigrant
24th Jun 2016 was the saddest day in my life. What followed made me decide to leave the UK for good, which I did. I could do that as I'm blessed with dual citizenship. I'm British, Italian and will forever be European.
My job was filled by a couple of people based in India. I couldn't stress more that whatever was said about Brexit benefits to the labour market was a pack of malicious lies.
I was sad and angered to see how many people believed those lies.
I firmly believe we need to #Rejoin